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Show I I TilE INTERMOINTAIN CATHOLIC ..-'-' Established 1899. THE COLORADO CATHOLIC I . . Established 1884. j , Consolidated October 2, 1899. 1 ' $2.00 A YEAR IN ADUANGE. ! Published Every Saturday by the Intermountain ' ' I Catholic Publishing Company, 421 Atlas Block, West Second South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Telephone Tele-phone (j7. REMITTANCES. Remittances should be made by postoffice or express ex-press money orders, drafts or registered letters. CHANGING ADDRESSES. : Subscribers removing from one place to another. and desiring papers changed, should always give former for-mer as well as present address. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. The Reverend Clergy are requested to send to iTHE INTERMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC news contributions contribu-tions of interest to their respective parishes. (Entered in the Postoffice ai Salt Lake as Second-class Second-class Matter.) |