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Show BUTTE. Right Reverend Bishop Carroll, of Helena, was in Butte last Sunday and confirmed classes in Saint Patrick's. Saint Mary's and Saint Lawrence churches. He was ktpt busy all day and confirmed about 600 children, besides be-sides preaching five times. He said mass at Saint Patrick's at S o'clock in the morning and spoke on temperance. At solemn high mass he- again spoke 011 the sam? subject and then some of the people were askc-d to give up their seats to the children who were to be confirmed. After speaking to them for a short tims on the subject of confirmation confirma-tion he administered the sacrament to them. At the S o'clock mass the Knights of Columbus attended in a body and received holy communion, j In the afternoon Bishop Carroll con- firmed at Saint Mary's and about 125 ' children were in tli class. The bishop ! again spoke on temperance and his j audience received excellent advice. , which would do them a world of good if thev followed if In th - evening Bishop Carroll confirmed a class of 1.10 at Saint Lawrence church and his sermon ser-mon was on the same subject as at the other churches. 4- ' William Hallett and Miss Mary A. Connolly, of Baltimore, were quietly j married on last Saturday, April 2!t. at ' Sacred Hfart church. Father Callahan officiating. -4- The third week oT the mission being, conducted at Sacred . Heart church, opened Monday night. The meetings I are under direction of Fathers Ross- j winkle and DonohM-, Jesuit mission-j arie: from Chicago. I The first week of the mission was ; for women, the second for men anil j the present week will he for both , men and women. It was thought best j to txtend the mission meetings an- j other week in order to accommodate ' those who did not have an opportunity ! I to attend during the past two weeks. ! I tMore than 1,400 men attended the! meetings last week, and it is expected , that the attendance will be almost doubled this week. I x j Preparations for the building of an j extension to Saint James' hospital were started last wek. and the work on the new structure will begin in a few days. The addition will be built on Silver street, from the old building to the j alley. One large room formerly occ-u- I pied this space and was us d as a dormitory for the Sisters. This has been torn down and the excavation for the new bulding has been made. The addition will conform to the old building, build-ing, and will be three stories high. It will contain about tight rooms, and in the basement there will be a special room which will contain apparatus for the treating of rheumatism by the hot I air process. This addition has been contemplated for some time, and only the warm weather was necessary for building operations to start. The contract has not yet been let. 4 The funeral of P. G. Sullivan, former shift boss at the Rarus mine, was held Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, 45 East quartz .stre t. A short service was held in the residence, after which the remains were taken to Sac-red Heart church, where Reverend Father Callihan conducted services. Interment In-terment was in the Catholic cemetery. The funeral was possibly the longest ever se;n in Butte. When the hearse reached the church on East Park street there were still buggies waiting on East Quartz to follow in line. The floral offerings of-ferings were many and beautiful. Members Mem-bers of division Xo. 1, A. O. II., acted as rail bearers. |