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Show j . Diocese of Denver I ELIZABETH KELLY, Correspondent I A. The Jntermounlain and Colorado ! Catholic is rIad on pale at the J.-imos Oaike hureh soods house, 6-7 ! Fifteenth street, Denver, Colo. Corner Stone Laid. I ' In the presence of about 300 persons I gathered to witness the ceremony, the J rner .stone of the new church of the 1 Holy ;hnst w;s laid last Sunday after- j l.ixwi. The foundation was comjileted ianrl on this w;.s erected a temporary platform to accomodate the priests participating in the services. Friends if Father Frederick Bender gathered to encourage him in the establishment of a down town parish which will mean jto much for the Catholics of Denver Den-ver and others came to lend their moral support to the cause. RiR-ht Kevorend Uishop H. C. Matz ofticiated and the a dress of the day was delivered by Itev. Hugh L.. M- Menamin who was assistant to Father 3 Kendei- at the Colorado Springs church J for some time. Other priests partici- 1 ratins: in the exereeises were Rev. "j Joseph Dubll, who has assisted Father ' Ilender in making a canvas of the lower i part of the cathedral parish. Rev.1 j Father Brown. Rev. Father J. I', j Carrisan of St. Patrick's and Monsis- j nor Henry Robinson. The Knifrhts of j Si. John in full uniform attended in a I t"dy. I In his sermon Father Mi-Menamiu J rtweit upon the necessity if a church I for tlie accomodation of the people liv- I jhtf down town and asked that the coll- 1 legation which will be in thaiKe of j , leather Bender will appreciate his ef- I forts and ably second them by their I material supnort. I The following document was em- I . Iwdded in the corner stone: i "In the year of our Lord 1 (.-, on the j "ill day of the month of May, under I the pontificate of Pius X gloriously I reigning, Theodore Roosevelt, president I of the Fnited States of America. Jesse I M. Donald being governor. Right Rev. I Nicholas V Matz, D. D., bishop of 3 Denver placed the corner stone to the 1 church of the-Holy Ghost in the city j of Denver. In the presence of a great 5 concourse of people and clergy, this 1 instrument, with other papers and J . some coins of this land heme: cemented J in ihe corner stone as a perpetual memorial. Signed and sealed. Right Rev. X. C. Matz." The church will boa pretty structure, and Is on Curtis street between Nineteenth Nine-teenth ami Twentieth streets. It will belong to an independent parish presided pre-sided over by Father Bender and will have a congregation numbering in all ! about flirt) persons. Death of Mrs. Clifford. Just as she was returning from California, where she had been sojourning sojourn-ing during the winter months. Mrs. Catherine M. Clifford a pioneer Den-very Den-very woman and a prominent Catholic worker was suddenly stricken with a fata illness and died at Glenwood Springs last Friday morning. Her I death is mourned by a legion of friends here and her kindly manner will be greatly missed by those who knew her best. Until her death Mrs. Clifford was a wealltiiy real estate bolder, but the responsibilities attendant atten-dant upon looking after her business interests overtaxed her strength and when illness came she had not vitality I snlticieiit to withstand it. With Mrs. I Clifford when the end came were her I daughter. Miss Julia Clifford, and a ! brother-in-law. Michael Clifford. Mrs. Clifford was born in Geneva. Missouri, sixty-five years ago and shortly after her marriage to James Clifford she .iorneyed across the plains to Colorado. That was in the early "fiOs and the family settled in Summit county where f Mr. Clifford opened a large mercantile j establishment at Breckenridge and at 1 j Gold Run. Later they came to Den- 1 ' ver and purchased real estate. Mr. I Clifford was killed in a runaway acci- I !dont thirty-nine years ago and was j survived by his wife and two children. The son. Dr. John Clifford died a feu-years feu-years ago. Miss Clifford is therefore I Ihe only surviving member of the 1 family. To her in this dark hour the I sympathy of a host of friends goes out. The funeral was' held Saturday morning morn-ing from Logan Avenue chapel where solemn high mass of requiem was sung by Bishop X. C. Matz. Altar Society to Entertain. ! At its meeting last Sunday the Altar ; mid Rosary society of the cathedral I parish decided to inaugurate a series I of entertainments to raise funds to I build up the treasury. There are many ! " things which the society would like to purchase for the sanctuary and the money thus obtained will be used for this purj lose. , At Sunday's meeting Mrs. F. K. Paul, I the president, reported donations to the I! amount of for the society. The I lirst social will be given toward the end I of this mouth at the home of Mrs. I J'aul. Married in California. A pretty romance begun in the cool shades of Southern California several months ago. culminated last week in I the marriage of Itiss FJizabeth Robert - J son of this city and Mr. Raphael Kelly, I a successful contractor and builder of J " San Francisco. Cal. Miss Robertson I is the attractive daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Frank A. Roberson of 624 West I Colfax avenue. She is a Denver girl I and an accomplished musician. The ceremony was performed by Rev. I Philip O'Ryan of St. Mary's cathedral. J ; a brother of Rev. William O'Ryan of I ! St. Leo's . Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly I "will make their home in California. I Knights of Columbus Hold State I Convention. Never in the history of the order in the west have the Knights of Colum-i Colum-i I'UH h-Vi so successful a state eonven- f lion as the one which passed into his- Itory last week. Only two days were consumed in the transaction of business, busi-ness, but so much, was accomplished that every one of the delegates returned re-turned to his home satisfied with the ; f sesions. The convention was of peculiar ' J interest for the fact that the delegates ilo the national gathering will pass through here toward 1he end of this month, and plans looking to their en- itertainment were discussed. On Sunday Sun-day eveliing a banquet was tendered to the visiting delegates and the convention con-vention opened in the Brown Palace hotel on Tuesday morning. As a Jesuit Je-suit of fthe annual election the following follow-ing men will have charge of the workings work-ings of the state convention during the ensuing year: State deputy, John R. Reddin of Den-er: Den-er: state secretary. Joseph J. Daley of Cheyenne: state treasury. Charles ; H. Henkel of Pueblo: warden, James I H. Redmond of Leadville; delegates to ii national convention. D. B. Carey and Ii John H. Reddin of Denver: alternate delegates, Silas G. .Can field of Leadville and K. M. Sullivan of Pueblo. For the first time in the history of the organization, the national council is !to meet away from the headquarters in New Jersey, in June. Thousands of delegates will be passing through here .f 10 Ixis Angeles the last of this month 1 10 the national convention, which is to ' be held there .' I Retreat For Young Women. I , A retreat for tlu- young women of the cathedral parish is now in ' pro- I gross, and as a result Father Hugh L. McMenamin. who is conducting the I services, looks for a large addition to S " the membership of the. soldaity. He nn- 1 liounced from the sanctuary last Sun- i day that it is a deplorable fact that I o.ui of 400 young unmarried women at- I lending the cathedral, there is a piti- I alily small proportion on the roster of I th? soldaity. " He intends to dwell upon I the advantages of such 'an organization organiza-tion during the: retreat so as to arouse interest in it. The services began last Wednesday evening, when an exhaustive exhaus-tive explanation- was given, and, continued con-tinued Thursday, Friday arvd Saturday. Sunday is the communion day for . the sodality, and in the afternoon new-members new-members v;ll be informally admitted. Annual Meeting of Trust Association. Since Faster there haye been several delightful social functions in which Catholic society has participated, notably a reception given last week by Mrs. Peter Charles Schaeffer and her sister. Miss May Dunphy, of the cathedral cathe-dral parish, r was given" last Tuesday Tues-day afternoon at Mrs. SehaefTer's residence, resi-dence, and assisting were: Mrs. E. Schaeffer, Mrs. William Mc-Daniel, Mc-Daniel, Mrs. A. P. Jackson. Mrs. E. Fulhani. Mrs. A. Z. Zang, Mrs. William Schaeffer. Miss Violet Toovey. Miss Croke and Miss Wanda Gottesleben. The annual business meeting the Colorado Col-orado Catholic Loan & Trust association associa-tion was held on Monday afterno.m in the offices of Attorney John H. Reddin. Monsignor Henry Robinson was elected president. Rev. Edward Downey of Victor, Vic-tor, vice president; Rev. Joseph P. Car-rigan Car-rigan of St. Patrick's, treasurer: Rev. William O'Ryan of St. Leo's, secretary, and John H. Reddin. attorney and di- reot nr. The association has the care of the property left by the late Bishop Joseph P. Machebeuf. the revenue from which is for distribution among needv parishes. par-ishes. Already $120.(WK) has been distributed dis-tributed and there still remains valuable valu-able property in Jefferson county, and here there are the Mt. Olivet and Mt. Calvary cemeteries. Encouraged by the success which met their initial ball last year, the Young La (lies' Sodality of St. Patrick's church held their second ball 011 Tuesday night of this week, and it was a decided social so-cial and financial success. The entertainment enter-tainment was held at Weir hall at West Thirty-second avenue and Gallup, and was largely attended, y . Personal. Mrs. Thomas Green of Elmwood. 111., will visit her sister, Mrs. J. D. McBride, in the near future. f Mrs. John Claus. who has been very ill for some months, is slowly improving. improv-ing. ' f Reports from Miss Nellie O'Farrell's sick room are very encouraging. -. She expects to be able to leave the hospital in a week or t wo. Miss Lucile Howard will spend the summer in Iowa with her uncle. Miss Mayne Rice will go to West Haven. Conn., earlv in June, to remain until October. Miss Rice will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Martin Cuda-hay. Cuda-hay. f Mrs. Margaret Conley and daughter. Miss Mamie, of j Anaconda. Colo., have gone to Goldfield. Xev. Both Mrs. and Miss Conley are pleasantly remembered by the many Denver people whom they met during a visit here last year. f Friends' of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson John-son of Grant avenue are congratulating congratulat-ing them on the arrival of a lovely little lit-tle daughter. The handsome rooms which have been occupied by the Elks ever, since the new wing to St. Joseph's hospital was completed some years ago have been deserted and fourteen' rooms in St. Anthony's An-thony's in North- Denver-have been secured se-cured in their stead. The -Elk rooms were among the most elaborately furnished fur-nished in the hospital, but there was not sufficient room and it was impossible impossi-ble to secure additional space on account ac-count of the congested condition of St. Joseph's. The Elks are so far immensely immense-ly pleased with their new sick rooms and although the distance is much greater they bid fair to prove a happy-choice. happy-choice. '. |