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Show , 1 The law is no respecter of. persons. The sacred ranks of the ministry have been invaded with a grim determination. of putting a summary stop to tin- depredations of. private avarice upon'-the public pub-lic domain. Kev. Stephen W. Turnell of Koseburg, with fourteen others, was indicted by the grand jury in Portland, Ore., on a charge of conspiracy in connection with land frauds. It is to be hoped that the unlucky dominie will be able to clear his sacerdotal skirts of the ngly implication!. It would be a sad blow to society to have its Christian leaders lead-ers become contaminated by the baneful virus of mammon-worship. The clergy are, to be sure, only human. May they be delivered from temptation! A grave responsibility rests upon society in this respect. It must render the lot of the transgressor so dreadfully precarious that those Who would fail to be deterred by the higher motives the love" and fear of the Lord may be deterred from immoral and urnighteous conduct by n wholesome fear of j the strong arm of the law. v |