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Show - Eatcst Trisb news Antrim. (From the Irish World.) The funeral of Mr. Joseph Chit, fck-Fioiial fck-Fioiial frown solicitor, Belfast, took j.lacc April 5, leaving DuncHtn: avenue. ' U'-lfaft, for Milltown cemetery at II it'iock. There was ;i very large and j representative attendance of the fren- ;nl tublif. - The remains of Mr. Daniel Francis "Walsh were removed from his resilience Sit Kavenhill road. Kclfust. for' interment inter-ment in Milltown cemetery on April 8. DLSlin. At St. Mary's. Haddington road, Dublin, Dub-lin, April i, the Most licv. Dr. Donnelly, Donnel-ly, bishop of Canea. conferred the order or-der of deaeonshlp on the Rev. Patrick U'llai'a, O. P.. St. Mary s. Tallaght. ! and the order of sub-deaeonship on ; Mr. Aloysius Bolger. O. S. A.. St. Au- gustinc'p, Orlagh. Kathfarnham. j The pope received lately in private audience Archbishop "Walsh for half an hour, and showed an Interest In all particulars regarding the archdiocese of Dublin. He complimented Dr. "Walsh on speakinp Italian. Dr. "Walsh was also received by Oardinnl Ootti, with ' iv horn he discussed ecclesiastical questions ques-tions pending in the archdiocese. Donegal. The priests and people of Inishkeel parish have forwarded per Very Ilev. Canon MeFadden, pastor, a substantial donation for the support of the Irish parliamentary party. t The remains of Miss Lizzie G. Me-Carry. Me-Carry. hotel l,ctterkenny, were laid in i on March "7. The funeral procession I vas one of the largest that passed through Letterkenny for years. I i Cork. The death took place lately, after having- attained the age of 107 years, cf Mrs. N. Creedon, Kilnamartyra. rear Macroom. Deceased came of a long-lived stock, her sister having passed her 100 year before she died, while another member of the family vas a iionogenarian. On April 12 the funeral took place of Dr. John Twohig, Carrignavar. The requiem mass in Carrignavar church uas attended by a big congregation and subsequently when the funeral started for Donoughmore, sympathizing sympathiz-ing friends Joined it at many points. Requiem mass was celebrated by the I .Very Rev. Canon llegarty. I Galway. Matthias Finn of Seafield, Oranmore, died on April 1 at the age of SI. I Dr. Thomas MeDonogh of Lettermore I has been appointed physician to the 1 Costello coastguard station. I Dublin. Andrew J. McDonough of Dublin, a . poor la.v guardian, died on April 1. 1 I The death occurred on the 6th ult. of j Patrick Byrne of Ticknock. He had j icacneu an aavancea age. Mrs. Anne Dempsey. wife of John Dempsey of Dublin, died on April 6. ; he was the mother of Father Demp- " sey, cujate at Avoca. and sister Ed- Iward Mary of the Little Sisters of the Assumption, Cork. Cavan. iThe death of Mrs. Gibson, Corkish, near Railieboro. which took place on March 36, at the advanced age of 85 years, was much regretted by all who I knew her. The funeral to Coiglass whs 1 ery largely attended, over 60 carriages I following the hearse. 14 AVith sincere regret we record the dath of Mr. Thomas Galligon. Shan-r.ow, Shan-r.ow, rallintemple. which took place March 29. The large number of sym- I patbizers who attended the last rites I bore ample testimony to the esteem in I which he was held by all who knew 1 him. : 1 Clare. j I Coolkelure, Dunmanway, the resi- j I deuce of late Colonel Shuldham, has I j been selected as a. sanitorium for con- j I su motives. -4 i The death of Mr. John C. Morlcy, -one- of the most respected inhabitants i of Lahinch, occurred lately. A devout II Catholic, sterling Nationalist, sincere : 1 friend, his demise Is deeply regretted. 1 4 ' I A painful shock was occasioned to 1 f the inhabitants of Cower, near Kil- I rush, on April 11. when it became i known thnt Mrs. Phoehan, Avife of Mr. Anthony Sheehan. bad been found dead ' in her bed. The deceased retired to 1 rest the previous evening in her usual uod health. Kildare. ! Tho death of Mrs. Charles Heffernan ! of Claregate street, Kildare, happened 1 , on April 32. at the early age of 40 years. I The funeral to St. Bridget's Abbey was I ; rjiimcrously attended. Ilev. Edward Gaule, -who died in I Omaha. Neli.. March 5 last, In the fifty- I eighth year of his age. was a native of I Kilmacow. He entered upon his studies I or the priesthood in St. John's college, 1 . VVaterford. whn young. Going to i America at the ape of 21, he completed I hi 9 studies in Milwaukee, Wis., and was I raised to the priesthood when only 22 I yours old. He waF assigned to the Du- j buriue diocese. 1 Kilkenny. I Mrs. Hunoria Forristal Dillon of the Rath. Dane. ' rt. died April 7. deeply :ind widely mourned. Meouiem services and funeral were numerously attended. On April 9 the beautiful church of Freshford presented a solemn appear I ance, when Mont Rev. Dr. Brownrigg, I bishop of Ossory. administered the I sacrament of confirmation to seventy ' children. In his address he paid a high I tribute to the teachers for the efficient manner in which the children had been I educated. I Monaghan. I On April 1 the funeral took place of I Sister Mary (Corrigan), the oldest I member of the community of the Sis- 1 tcrs of St. Louis. Monaghan. Solemn I office, followed by requiem high mass, j f begun in the convent chapel. Mona- 5 chan. Very Rev. Canon O'Neill pre- i sided. f Kerry. ! Very Rev. Canon O'Leary. P. r. V. Dingle, has been appointed parish priest of Kenmare and archdeacon of Agladoe. I . . 4 . It was with feelings of mingled re- i gret and pleasure that people of the ' parishes of Ballydonoghue and Bally- bunion heard of the promotion of the r-steemed Canon Molyneaux of Bally-bunion, Bally-bunion, to the parish of Dingle. 4 We regret to announce the death of Miss Maggie Brewster, daughter of the late Mr. James Brewster of Strand 5 street, Tralee. Miss Brewster and her ( mother were about driving 'Into the country-on April 11, when she became suddenly ill and died within half an hour. . - : 4 The Rev. Father Harty and Rev. Father Fa-ther Finueane, who are in America to collect funds for the completion and decoration of the O'Connell Memorial church, Cahirciveen, were entertained by the Cahirciveen branch of the Gaelic League on departing, and were accorded accord-ed a send-off at the station by the priests and people of Cahirciveen and district. I " 4 " The death of Rev. John Laxvlor. pastor pas-tor of RallymacPlligott. occurred on April 7 in the Presbytery of Clogher. Father Lawlor had been a priest alwut forty-six years. His first mission was Causeway, then Tralee. He afterward was sent to Fieries. then to Ballybun-ion, Ballybun-ion, whence he was transferred to Dingle. Din-gle. In 1894 he was appointed parish priest of Clogher and Ballymacelligott by Most Rev. Dr. Coffey in succession to Father O'Leary. who was appointed Archdeacon of Castleisland. Father Lawlor, who had -arrived at the rioc old age of 71 years, was related to two well known Kerry priests. Rev. Thomas Lawlor, Killorglin, and Rev. P. Pierce, Ballylongford. He was also the grand-uncle grand-uncle of the respected clerk of the Tralee Tra-lee union, Mr. Thomas Lawlor. Limerick. s Katherine Dillon of Limerick died April 11 at the extraordinary age of 104 years. 4 The death of the Rev. Daniel Costel-! Costel-! loe, son of Mr. John Costelloe, Rath- more, Croom. occurred on Passion Sunday Sun-day in Kansas City, Mo. The deceased, who was only 35 years of age, thirteen of which he had spent on the mission, was a member of an old and respected family. He was a nephew to the late Rev. Father Moran, and to P. Moran, Dromin. and J. Moran, Bruff. The greatest sympathy is felt for his family., fam-ily., who received 'the announcement of his death by cablegram. 4 'Miss Mary Mullins of Old Abbev, Shanagolden. died on April 8. The funeral to Glin was attended by a great number of relatives and friends. The following clergy attended: Rev. S. Danaher, Loughill; Rev. J. Conway, Rev. M. O'Gorman, Shanagolden. The chief mourners were: Mrs. J. Mullins mother), John and Patrick Mullins (brothers'). Miss E. Mullins and Mrs. P. Griffin (sisters), Mrs. P. Ahern, Mrs. J. McMahon, Mrs. E. O'SulUvan (aunts); Richard White, James White. Michael White (uncles); Mfcs M. McMahon, Miss K. McMahon, P. Ahern, D. Dalton, C Crowley, D. Crowley. J. Dalton. D. McMahon, P. McMahon, M. Dalton (cousins). ! 4 The demise of Mr. Charles O'Connor. Ballingarry, occurred April 2 at the age of 57 years at his residence. The Downes. The remains were conveyed to the. Church of the Immaculate Conception, Con-ception, and the interment took place at Kilmurry, three miles east of Limerick. Lim-erick. Mayo. . The death of Miss K. Maguire of Clooukerry, Ballinrobe, happened on April 8, at the early age of 22 years. The remains were removed for interment inter-ment in the family burial place at Ballinrobe. Bal-linrobe. The chief mourners were: Dr. E. Maguire, M. A., father; Dr. Joe Ma-guire, Ma-guire, Dr. Conor Maguire, Charlie, I John, Sarsfield and Ned. brothers: Mrs. J. P. Maguire, sister-in-law; Edward Maguire, nephew. The funeral was largely attended. 4 Mrs. I. P. McCormack of Linenhall street. Castlebar. died April 7, in the twenty-sixth year of her age. The remains re-mains were removed to the parish cnurcn on Saturday evening, wnere they were laid before the altar of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. The funeral, which took place on Sunday at 2 o'clock to the Old Church burial ground, was representative of all classes. The chief mourners were: Mr. J. P. McCormack, husband; Miss Maggie and Mary Coyle, sisters: Mrs. McCormack. mother-in-law; Master Sam and Frank McCormack, McCor-mack, brother?-in-law: Misses Mary and Katie McCormack. sisters-in-law; Mrs. B. Walsh. P. Moran and J. Moran, cousins. There was a very large representation repre-sentation of the Stone and Bricklayers' society. The Rev. P. O'Flaherty, Castlebar, Cas-tlebar, officiated at the grave. Sligo. Miss Maggie Mulrooney, Maiicoach road. Sligo, died April S. The funeral took place from the cathedral and the large and representative number of mourners bore testimony to the esteem in which deceased and her family are h?ld. Father Hynes, assisted by Canon Harte and Rev. Father Carney, officiated of-ficiated at the graveside. The chief mourners were: James Mulrooney. father: Patrick Mulrooney, brothsrl John O'Connor and Henry Verdon, brothers-in-law; John Gilgan, uncle; James and Patrick Gilgan. cousins. Rev, James O'Hagan. pastor of Glen-dale, Glen-dale, who died on March 11, was bom in Shercock, County Cavan, where his elementary studies for the priesthood commenced. Afterwards he went to All Hallows and read his theological course under Dr. Moriarty and Dr. Woodock. At the end of his college course he was adopted by Dr. Caren for missionary work in India, and was ordained prieit in the cathedral. Calcutta, Cal-cutta, on the 11th of April. !R.".2, by liis Grace the Archbishop, Dr. Catew. Wexford. . Tjiomas Merriman. a well known Wexford jockey, died April 13 from the efftcts of injuries received while training train-ing a young horse, at. Ring, Wexford. Mrs. Busher, w ife of Patrick Rusher of Barntown, accused of causing- the deaths of the old man and woman in Carriglawn recently, died from the shock sb,e sustained whfn the. information informa-tion was given to her that Jier husband hus-band was arrested. - 4- Among the dsaths which occurred recently in Wexford were these: Miss Lily Donohoe. Donegal, on March 25: Mr. Patrick Codd. Ferrigcarrig. father of Rev. J. Codd, Monageer; Dr. Nicholas J. Meehan, New Ross, and of Mr. Arthur Redmond, Clohamon, on April 2, aged 57. Roscommon. Rev. T. Gordon, pastor in Ballinafad, Poyle, died on April 6. deeply mourned. The requiem services and funeral were attended by the parishioners and . anany others from outside districts. A great number of priests were present. -4 A fatal accident occurred lately at Drumatample, Ballimtubber, by which Mieffliel Dolan, aged SO yearB. lost his life. Mr. James Beirne, wha happened to be passing, found him lying dead on the bank of a small drain. In the drain was one of the deceased's boots. His clothes being wet,, it la Eupposed he must have fallen into the drain, and succumbed In scrambling out, and that the sudden immersion was the ause of his death. 4 The death of Mr. John Flannagan. an old and respected Inhabitant of Doo-garry, Doo-garry, took place on April 3. at the age of 78 year?. No better proof of his popularity could be afforded than the large funeral eprtege which accompanied accom-panied his remains to Ardcarn cemetery. ceme-tery. The. chief mourners were: Mr. P. Flanagan, son; Mr. John Flanagan. Mr. P. Flanagan. Mr. John Skeffington, D. C: Mr. P. Flanagan, Mr. James Moran. Mr. Michael J. Friar and Mr. Francis Bambrick, cousins. Westweath. Rev. "William Dougherty, Syracuse, visited Mulllngar this week. Father Dougherty, who is of Irish parentage, was the guest of his uncle. Mr. Michael Dougherty, Earl strret, Mulllngar. Most Rev. Dr. Coigan," Archbishop f Madras, India, who lately celebrated j the eighty-first anniversary of his birth. ( was born in Donore ill 1S21. He arrived in India, in 1844. , In; 1S94 he celct-at-d the diamond jubilee of his axr'r,aj.' ill that country. 4 Mrs. Patrick Kelly, wife of a dairy farmer, living at the canal banks, was found drowned lately in the River Shannon, near Heaton's woolen mills. She was 75 yars of "age. The place where her body was found is unprotected, unpro-tected, and, being so aged, she missed hr wa y. VVaterford. The death of Mr. Michael Lyons, j Cappoquin, occurred on April 9. ag?d S3 years. He was a member of the Cnited Irish league. The funeral to Affanc was numerously attended. 4 The death of Mr. Edmoiul Nugent occurred oc-curred at the residence of his son. Mr. E. Nugent, jr. (chairman of the Water-ford Water-ford County Council). Ballymacarbry, on April 13. He had reached the ripe old age of 85 years, and enjoyed quite robust health up to a week' or so before be-fore his death. 4 Doctor Andrew J. Walsh died in Southbank, Yorkshire. England, April 7. aged 32 years. He was the s-cond youngest son of Mr. Thomas Walsh, late of Knock, Slradbally, and brother of Mr. James Walsh. Durrow, and of Sister Agnes, Mercy Coif vent, Carrick--on-Suir. |