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Show ROCK SPRINGS, WYO. (Special Correspondence.) Father Angelo Conti, who arrived recently from Italy, is now in Rock Springs to assist in the work of the parish. Father Conti will make. rapid progress in the study of English. He has aheady made many friends and promises a career of great usefulness. f "The election for governor," says a local paper, "never created more excitement excite-ment than the election of two members mem-bers of the school board in this city last Monday night." The election was certainly animated, seven candidates aspiring to the position. The result of the election was as follows: Dr. E. S. Murray. I!SS; Mr. George Murphy. 273 : Mr. Dykes. S3: Mr. Cottle. 6fi: Mr. Hu-ling. Hu-ling. 47; Mr. Croft. 33: Mr, Davis. 35 We heartily congratulate Messrs Murray Mur-ray and Murphy on their election and splendid victory. The friends of Dr. Richard H. Reed were pleased to see from the doctor's active part in the recent school election, elec-tion, that his health is entirely re-established. The citizens of Rock Springs are grateful to Mr. Stinger, the assistant superintendent of the Union Pacific, for having caused the train conveying the Denver "Boosters" to Green River to stop over in Rock Springs for more than an hour. They were highly-pleased highly-pleased with the prosperous condition of the town. When leaving they dragged Mayor Kendall on the train and took him with them as far as. Rawlins. Raw-lins. Our excellent mayor gave them a. splendid account of the little Pittsburg Pitts-burg of the west. |