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Show E. E. BURLINGAME & CO., ASSAY-OFFICE AND LABORATORY Established in Colorado, 1S66. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt and careful attention Gold &SilYer Bullion v"'!. Concentration Tests-100 lt"th 1736-1738 Lawrence St.. Denver, Colo. II The Great Annual ' I ) I I 11 a fci o 1 I I I "hwmb ""'"r "" "-a-B9JCT ; jjjj WHERE DOLLARS ARE WORTH DOUBLE. I One Whole Week, Commencing Monday, jj 1 ii 8 a. m., May 15th. 1 IS 11' ;l NEVER BEFORE HAVE SUCH TEMPTING BARGAIN ill OFFERINGS BEEN MADE IN SALT LAKE CITY, NOT ! j EVEN AT OUR PREVIOUS MAY SALES. 1 1) PRICE REDUCTIONS OF 20 to SO PER CENT j j IN THE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOE, U jj CARPET AND CHINA DEPARTMENTS. II 150 Extra Salespeople Employed for the Great Event. :: Printed Lists of the H 18 Thousands of Specials which will be offered can be obtained 1 i 1 at the Big Store. Call or 'phone. II j Z C. M, i. jj McCOY'S STABLES I - Telephone 81 j Both 'Phones ALL KINDS OF LIVERY LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Now as the Holy Season of I,rnt J is with. us. a sxeat many, things I will be needed for church and home. j If you are thinking about getting something for a ehurch. such as stationery; vestments, stations of the cross, etc., write us about it and we will give you 'full intorma-tion intorma-tion as to priees, quality of goods. All orders executed promptly. Telephone call Pink 679. - THE JAM KS CLARK CHURCH GOODS HOUSE. ! 627 Fifteenth Street. Denver Colo. 'Fhono-I'ink 679. j j m - , CLEANLINESS . Wgio jlT is a necessity to perfect Health and an essential element vTa vv i f Happiness. Vil j ' fkpllWl y Prevent sickness and enjoy the, Vjl I I I comforts of life you should equip your Wj ! ) I ij,s sleeping apartment or , dressing chamber mj I' i'f' with a snowy white, one-piece A'j I Jj I FX 'LCK--J "i&iadaid Porcelain Enameled Lava- I I ' V k V tory and have running hot and cold ;; L I , 1 v water as desired at your touch.- i' ' 1 V ' e ave samp'cs 'n our snovvroom -Vv I fu ; - and will gladly quote you prices. k jj C k GEO. DOYLE & CO.. 211 State St. M SALT LAKE ITY, UTAH. 1 fl , o fr MM &wM$ fe'is Ifj im 1 R S ABSOLUTELY TREE WITH- M ' m OUT CONDITIONS NO pi M STRINGS TO TillS OffER m . 11 With every two dollar iffi purchase in this store ! I 111 we will give an order pi on a leading photogra- ?sMj pher-Mr.Newcomb--for H one cabinet carbon HH photograph of yourself !4y ,4 that he sells for $10.00 pi a doz. Absolutely free tgjj , Jill and without conditions, mm gp Sale commences Mon- g Hi day. H BNEW YOR til , VriM $ ; 1 ! Thee onvention of l!Ml."will be held in Los Angeles. Juno ."th I I to 12th, and the new j S SALT LAKE R0UTEI f Is in splendid shape to handle tin business. Low rate tickets, round jj I . trip hvt- feu pkml at (Ttft N . On sale May 1L June 1 .i i VjJjU. j SHORTEST TIME j i PALATIAL TRAINS i NEW SCENIC LINE i . .1 4 Our agents will furnish all information, or write to f 5 J. L. MOORE, Dist. Pass. Agt., ; a Both Phones 19S6 17 W. 2nd South, Salt Lake City. j ; :,i,..;.JB |