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Show PUEBLO Mrs. Martha Wells announces the engagement en-gagement of her daughter. Miss Martha Louise, to Mr. Paul O'Leary of Cleveland. Cleve-land. O. Mr. O'Leary is a. graduate of Ann Arbdr university. Michig4.11. The wedding will take place the latter part of June. The new four-story addition to the St. Mary's hospital is- now fully completed com-pleted and is ready for furnishing. There are seventy-eight rooms in all. all modern and splendidly equipped and those who contemplate donating the ! furnishings for even a full or part of a ' room, as is solicited aid will be gratefully grate-fully appreciated, are asked to please communicate w ith the sister superior as soon as possible. Such aid is asked for a most worthy cause and it is hoped that the charitable charita-ble organizations. lodges, societies and business men wilt arrange to select as soon as possible, those rooms which It is desired to be reserved in their name. The new addition is the largest building build-ing in the hospital group, and is connected con-nected with the center building. Large sunny porches, some enclosed, affords delightful recuperative places, with a restful and beautiful view. A modern operating room, equipped with X-ray and electrical appliances, is one of the new features, as is also a Turkis-h bath department. A fine, modern mod-ern electric elevator affords service from the cellar to the attic and in all. the new annex is modern in every respect, re-spect, and most worthy the consideration consider-ation of all charitably inclined people, right now when help is most needed in the furnishing of this splendid addition addi-tion to the city's advantages. |