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Show fv San Pedro, Los mkiA Angeles & Salt Lake : TIME TABLE ! EFFECTIVE MAY 1ST. 1305. i " - . I DEPART DAILY j From Oregon Short Line Depct, Salt Lake City. j 1 No. 5 For Stockton and Tinlic 7,iC . ' District ''4) 3 0 ; No. 33 For Provo. -Mercur, Mantl and points on Sanpete C.flfl j Vallev O'VV a 01 ! LyntFo.r..p'0;:.Neph' ..an.d 5:0a p in No. 1 For Los Angeles and In- O.M -termediate Points O.CV p ID No. S5 For Nephi and Interme-Fl.jn m diate Points P Ul j ARRIVE DAILY. j No. 2 From Los Angeles and j.7f m I Intermediate Points '. ".Oil a 111 I No. S3 FVom Lynn. Provo and Q.cn o m i Intermediate Points Ul No. 3ft From Manti. Nephi and 1.5ft . Intermediate Points .. "' P "J l No. 34 From NeDhi. Provo and E.,M m I Intermediate Points 3.41; p Ul ! No. 6-From Tlnti..' Pistrict and A-flft - m Intermediate Points ,. P Standard Pullman Service Daily Between Be-tween Salt, Lake, Milford, Caliente, Las ' Vfgas and Los Angeles, j Direct Stage Connection for all Mining i Districts in Southern Utah and Nevada, including Bullfrog. City Ticket Office. No. 17 W. Second South Street. Telephones 1086. B. W. GILLETT. General Passenger Agent !J. L. MOORE, 1 District Passenger Agent. . DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU GET '& t WHEN- YOU PAY So FOR A A ? GILLETTE i I SAFETY RAZOR? .,you practically, .get forlv-two y blades,-as thin- as paper, pi ri'ectly y tempered and glass "hardened. : You y get twelve double-edged . blades y when you purcha.se the razor; when y these wear out yoii may .' return y y them for-six new ones, and. when v y the six have lost their usefulness, . V you may have three more. Fair j enough isn't it? V THERE'S NO RAZOR LIKE THE GILLETTE, AND. WE ARE ? t THE AGENTS. k Where the Gars $ The . Great Prescription y ..... . i tT.u,s. .store- - o B. A. Weill ILLEN & CO, SCHOOL MERCH4NDISE CHUHCH. OPERA AND i LIBRARY FURNITURE. 172 South West Temple-Street "CTOKfa Pr""'"-!- Appro .d l. -3 . ft- .-j Cc.!cir Ws C(jo nd Bolnw l$T-y4JiJfc':i t-Cirw. 'Llfc'arai Tarms. F4; -:: r.ift-aV.-V;. Sptewciiwihw. V' "''-'iM 5BJr ' - ' V1 ola,0a" Fraa. .i iiiiXIZ?--- j . 5prsouo Corresponds.-. ' XpSlSr 5ho?l ot Law, UNION PACIFIC TrJOiE Wm DAILY VIA TO .$EB& OMAHA, feppl KANSAS CITY, fftfl CHICAGO, 43 ST. LOUIS. ;od all Principal Eastern Point Many ho;:r quicker than any other line. no change of cars, The overland route" ell the way. Electric-Lighted Trains running every day. rull information famished on application (4 CITY TICKET OFFICE 201 MAIN ST. ippp Time Table j Ep IN EFFECT fefeM MAY 7, 1905 ARfClVE. From Otrck-n, Chicago. Omaha. St. Louis, Kansas City ainl C.IC m ! Donv-r 9. ID a CI From Oiirten, Portland, Butte, C.5f m San KraiKisco "I From Ogden and intermediate Q.r3( m points 7")(' d m From OkiMi, Cache Valley and ll.i? m intermediate points ll.td a UJ .From Osden, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City. Omaha, t.tZ n m Denver and San Francisco.. P m From Opdrn. Cache Valley. Si. Anthony, Portland and 7.i(l m San ilrancisco ,,'lu r UJ DEPART. For Ogdcn, Omaha, Chicago, Denver. Kansas City and m st. Louis i.it,' a m For Osden. Portland. St. Anthony, An-thony, San Francisco and Ijl.Jfl n m intermediate points ,u,,,, a m For Ogden. Omaha, Chicago, Denver. Kansas City, St. I. ill n m Louis and San Francisco.... l'iv V lu For Ogden, Cache Valley ftid i.ia m intermediate points r For Ogden. Denver, Kansas Citv Omaha, St. Louis and j.ac Chicago "0tJ P m For OgdMi. Cache Valley. Butte, Helena. Portland. San Francisco and intermediate n m points I'-43 P M T. M. SCHUMACHER. Traffic Manager. D. E. BURLEY, G. P. & T. A. D. S. SPENCER, V O P & X .A City Ticket Office, 201 Main' Street, Telephone 250. CURRENT TIME TABLE In Effect Oct. 9th, 1904. I-EAVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. 6 for Denver and East... 8:E0A.JC o. 2 for Denver and East.. 3:15 P.M. No. 4 for Denver and Eaat S:05P.M. No. 11 for Ogden and local point. 8.05 P.M. Ao. 10 for Heber. Provo and Marysvale 8.00 A.M. No. 8 for Provo and Eureka 6:00 P.M. No. ? for Ogden and West 11:40 P.M. No. 1 for Ogden and West 1:46 P.M. Ao. 5 for Offden and West 10:35 A.M. No. 102 for Park c,t g:15 A.M.. v' ?H lor B'ngham 8:10 A.M. No. 114 for Bimrham 8:W ARBIVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. 13 from Ogden and local points 9:50 A.M. No. 5 from Denver and East. ...10:35 A.M. A-o. 1 from Denver ind East 1:36 P M. 3 from Denver and East.... 11: No. 9 from Heber, Provo and Marysvale 6:00 P.M. ' No. 6 from Ogden and West 8:40 A.M. o. 3 from Ogden and West 3:05 P.M. o. 4 from Ogden and West 7:55 P.M. o. 7 from Eureka and Provo.. 10:00 A.M. 101 from Park City 5:15 P.M. No. 113 from Bingham 10:60 A.M. No. 115 from Bingham 5 40 P.M. PEBFECT DINING CAB SEBVICE. All trains except Nos. 1 to 6 stop at Intermediate points. Ticket office, Doolv Block. 'Phone 105. I. A. BENTON. G. A. P. S. European Plan. American Plan, $1.00 and up. $2.50 and up. OOH H. P OAT 01. Salt Lake City's leading Hotel. LEADING HOTELS. HOTEL TELLURIDE 22 East Third South St., SALT LAKE CITY. MODERN IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS Rooms by day, week or month; 50c to 2.00 per day. Independent Telephone 1.145. 5TH EAST HOTEL, 5TH EAST ST. Four blocks from business centre; first class family and tourist hotel. Tourist rate, American plan, $1.50 a day. Popular rate for family boarders. Cars from all depots. 'Phones: Bell, 1535 Z; Ind., 874. ife8 HOTEl WlPft EUROPEAN. Jlilili Salt City- 4&il Kates 1' to $3 - -- A. FRED WEY. GULLEN HOTEL S. C. E WING, PROP. Salt Lake City Street Cars From Ai'. Trains I'ass the Door AMERICAN PLAN $1.50 to &00. . EUROPEAN PLAN 50 cents up. THE DREXEL WM. BOWEN. ProDrititor! State and E. Second South Street. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. I L. M. LAW, FLORIST Successor to Salt Lnke Huddart Floral Co., 214 East Second South. Telephone 37. Up-to-date and floral artist; always a." .large stock to select from. SACRED HEART ACADEMY. Ogden, Utah I BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. The hfehest intellectual advantages, a beautiful ar.d comfortable hom, and careful attention to all that pertains U; Rood health, sounrl rr.entxl training, refined manners and tne bet gf-iiTai culture Superior advantages advan-tages in music and art. ;-5end for catalosn to Sister Superior, Oirden, Utah. AftAA i ST. MARY'S ACADEMY $ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. j Boarding and Pay School for Young Ladles. Cotapleta Classical and Commercial Courses. Music, Drawing: and Painting-. For oata- ! logue address, SISTER SUPERIOR, Salt Lake City, Utah. J -K . Pianos V Organs V Pianolas ! : I Victor Talking Machines j AND RECORDS. I (EVERYTHING KNOWN IN MUSIC. I Prices the Lowest on Re- j liable Instruments I Never Undersold. Goods I Shown With Pleasure. ; i ar$ten$eii jfnsen o., Inc. j TEMPLE OF MUSIC, i 74 Main Street. Successors to Daynes flluslc Co. " EOTII 'PHOXES 1"73. Q TRAVELING j I ftJOW-A-OAYS Is much easier than only a Tew years ago. By taking ad van t- age of the new service on the i UNION PACIFIC A- CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE &ST, PAUL I I LINE I ! - i : I S A person can travel two whole days from Salt Lake to Chicago without change of Cars. No trouble at all. i I C. WILLIAMS, 106 West Second South St. j Commercial Agent. Salt Lake City, Utah. f : . TUT ' flOM CrPEE A rare combination of fine coffees cof-fees of our own selection. NONE OTIIKR "JUST AS GOOD." National Tea Importing Co. TEA AND COFFEE BLB.NDER3. Cor. 3d South and Main. a. SHORT LINE TO ST. L0TJTS. If you are going: to St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, New York or any point east or south, see that your ticket reads via the Missouri Pacific railway. Elegant coaches, quick time and superb su-perb track make this line the People's Favorite Route. The best line reaching Hot Springs, Arkansas, the Carlsbad of America. For maps, information, etc.. address H. C. TOWNS END, G. P. & T. A., Mo. Pac. Ry., St. Louis, Mo. Operator t Loeml Train SarrU U th Stat. FKOM 10 TO 40 MINUTES rASTZIT LIXI TO ill OQDEN, PBOVO. KUKEKA, MANTI, ETC. 3Tta& Daily Fast Trains Q --TO THE EAST -' - pBll?lnJ,loe and Ordlnsry S1m tng Cr without Chang to j law, Omaia, Iwu Cilj, Si. Laii tad Cklap. j FarfMt Dining Car Serrlce. Ii- I aiflcent Scenery. j Ukft ffl- No. 703 Watt Imo.4 g,,t Wooly Blok Corner. IPMEllfiS! J MA The Sign of Safety, Speed and j Comfort. 3-TRAINS DAILY 3 FROM UTAH TO Kansas City, St. Joe, Chicago, Galveston, El Paso, And the Mining Camps of I NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA. j Ask Us About Cheap Rates this , Summer. C. F. WARREN, Gsnerai Agent ; The Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe Railway Co., f SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. , j ' 1 3. FRIEDMAN & CO. I H 145 Main Street. j Men's, Youths' and Children's - CL0THIKG, ' 1 ! FURiflSHING GOODS. j j NOVELTIES ARRIVING DAILT I I IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. ' 1 i I Honorable Treatment and One ! J Price to All. : i ' ' 5 T MORRISON, AERRILL ? & COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Lumber Retail yards. Salt Lake Citv. Utah; Cay. enne, Wyo.' P. O. Box, Salt Laks ( , City, Utah. SWEET CANDY CO, 13-19 E. I3t So. ' Manufacturers of CARNATION CHOCOLATE3, SWEETS' DIXIE PICKANNINNIEX SALT LAKE CITY, UTAflJ j i Bell Telepbone 31i. - -v ! |