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Show WOMEN WORK SMOOTH GAME. Have Gathered in Many a Good Sa- moleon the Past Week Under Plea for Orphanage. Two stylish, handsome women have been engaged in canvassing all the business offices of the city during the past week, soliciting at the lowest a dollar from the business men for the poor orphans. This was no doubt their purpose, but the orphans were themselves, them-selves, and not the St. Ann's orphanage as was stated by the fair damsels. With the use of sweet smiles, glad rags and tender words for the "orphans, these female grafters have worked the business men of Salt Lake to a finish, and have probably laid by enough money to live well for the resf of the year. The sad part of this tale is that there J w as not a man of them who did not part with their good samoleons gladly, feeling flattered that these society ladies, la-dies, as they were supposed to be. should call on them duriifg business : : hours. A cynical woman suggested upon hearing of the visit of. the women that if St. Agnes had- come to collect a few dollars for the orphans?, she might have been turned down. Gave Samoleons Gladly. The sequel to' this smooth little stry of graft is that an account of their operations in the name of the St. Ann s orphanage happened to meet the ears of Father Kiely of the Catholic church. He was much shocked to learn what the women had done, and wishes it announced an-nounced that these women are not authorized au-thorized to collect funds for the church or its orphanage, The orphanage does not swlicit in this manner. It will now be in ' order for "those stylish, good-looking good-looking society ladies" so much commented com-mented upon among business men of this city to move on to the next town and learn the name of another orphanage, orphan-age, in order that they may gather in t lie money for the "orphans," which the business men are willing to give them on sight. What Aic Wnmn Will fin And the man who experienced lasl week that sanctified feeling after contributing con-tributing to the support of the poor "orphans" may now reflect on the folly of not consulting the charitable association. asso-ciation. And if any woman suspects that her husband contributed to the support of the "orphans," or if he gently gent-ly bragged about the swell society ladies la-dies who came to his office, if she is a wise woman she knows how to get the money for a new hat. Salt Lake Tribune. Trib-une. Rt. Rev. Bishop Scania n has a standing stand-ing card in The 1 ntermouutain Catholic warning the people of Salt lake about such frauds. This last case seems a particularly bold one. Among the merchants who were "worked" was Mr. Cohn of Colin Bros. Many other prominent business men gave liberally, too, and it is hoped that for the future they will be wiser. It is easily understood why Mr. Cohn was "worked." because he is always, the soul of liberality to any good cause, and has been particularly generous to the Kearns St. Ann's orphanage. He will reap the reward for his kind inten tions, anyway, but this is not much consolat ion. What a pity the rascals . were not arrested. |