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Show SUMMONS. J IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SALT J Lake countv. State of Utah. Ara Kep-pler, Kep-pler, plaintiff, vs. J. Redding Keppler. j defendant. Summons. The State of Utah ' to the stud defendant: You are hereby j summoned to appear within twenty days i after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise, within with-in thirtv davs after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case ; of your failure so to do. judgment will ; be rendered against you according to the -demand of the complaint, of which a j copy is herewith served upon you. . M GURRLV A- OUSTIX. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Postoffice address. 20" Security Trust building. Salt Lake City, Utah. Date of first publication, May 13, IDfi.i. |