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Show CHIMES FOR THE CATHEDRAL. Tower on Cathedral Planned to Accommodate Ac-commodate Musical Bells. Bishop L. Scanlan had a consultation during the week with Carl M. Neu-hausen, Neu-hausen, the architect of St. Mary's cathedral, relative to the instalatlon of a set of chimes in one of the towers of the new edifice, j The work on the church has progressed pro-gressed so far that the time has arrived ar-rived when it is necessary for the bishop to decide just how extensive the cluster of bells should be. Hence the consultation. As a result of their conference con-ference Bishop Scanlan has written to a number of eastern manufacturers of bells to obtain from them data relative to the construction of a-tower which will be of sufficient size to accommodate accommo-date the chimes. No defiinite steps have as yet been taken in the way of a contract, and probably none will be taken until the eastern houses have replied to his query. |