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Show . ( DELINQUENT NOTICE. SNAKE CREEK CONSOLIDATED Mining company, a corporation of Utah. Principal dace of business. Salt Lake City. Utah. Notice Is hereby given that thero are delinquent uyon thc following described stock on account of assessment No. 2. levied March 1905. the several amounts ! set onposite the names of the" respective shareholders, as follows: No Cert. Name. Shares. Amt. ! 5. W. H. Irvine 4U2.r $S1 2.) S. Solon Spiro 40.25 SI 2o K BiMTnarcK Snyder :. J.' 10 ih 12. Bismarck Snyder 34.000 M . 13. John J. Woods lo.ooo woo 15. John J. Wooda 34.075 i)i la 16. John J. Woods 3.1,425 !; S 19. W. I. Snyder 15, 0C 20. Pismarck Snyder 14.000 W 22. George J. Arnold 5.000 10 00 23. Edward McGurrin 35,623 71 2j And in accordance with law and the order of the board of directors made on March 29, 1905i sa many shares of each parcel of such stock as mav be necessary neces-sary will be sold at the offiCe dt the secretary sec-retary of said corporation, room 207 Security Se-curity Trust building. Salt Lak City. Utah", on Wednesday. May 24. 1S05. at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the delinquent as- sessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. I EDWARD M'GURRIN. Secy, j |