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Show PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult county clerk or the respective signers for further information. IX TIIR DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bate PRO-bate division, in and for Salt Lake eoun- j ty. state of Utah. In the matter of the : estate of Susan K. Dudler, deceased. 1 Notice. The petition of Louise MeCarty praying for tho issuance to 'herself of letters of administration on the fstate of Susan E. Dudler. deceased, has been set. for hearing on Saturday, the L'Tth day of May, A. D. at ID o'clock a. m., at the county court house, in the court room of said court, in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake county. Utah. Witness the clerk of said court, with Ihe seal thereof affixed, this (Seal) 11th day of May. A. D. I!i5. J. U. KLDREDUE. JR.. Clerk. By W. II. Earns worth. Deputy Cler.T. McGurrin & (Justin, Attorneys for Petitioner. Pe-titioner. Date of first publication, May 13, 1W5. |