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Show I m . EVANSTON, WYO. (Special Correspondence. Mrs. Ray Durnford, who was operated op-erated on at the Holy Cross hospital a few week? ago, is rapidly recovering. Miss Mary Cashin went to the Ogden Hot Springs on Sunday to indulge in its enervating baths for a week or two. She was accompanied by her niece, May Putnam.; . . , Father Barrett went to Cumberland on Sunday to give a mission, remaining remain-ing there for three or four days, nd from thence he intends -going' to Fort Bridger to give his parishioners over there the opportunity to make their Easter duty. . As he w ill not be back until nex-t week, there will be no services in this city on Sunday. On Sunday the Evanston candidates for membership in the K. of C. were initiated at Ogden. A few of the aspirants aspir-ants went to the Junction City on the Saturday previous and received a royal reception, including a trip to Ogden canyon. The remainder who went down Sunday morning were also very cordially cordial-ly received. The initiation took place in the afternoon and a most elaborate banquet was given by the Ogden Comma Com-ma ndery at 8:"0. The manner in which the visiting Evanstonites were treated shall . not soon be forgotten,- and they wish to give special thanks to Judge MeGiu- II inn. -.. The names of the new K. C.s are Frank Harrison. W. J. Cashin. Jaines F. Donovan.. John Smith. Dayid ilamil-ton. ilamil-ton. J. M. A.llard. E.-'W.' McUarrv" Garrett Gar-rett O'Neill, Ed. Kennedy, A. T. Mc Carthy. R. J. Schott, Ed. Kerwin, John D. Burke, Frank Maher." f I W. J. Cashin made a very able speech at the banquet on Sunday nigfct in response re-sponse to the toast, "Wyoming,-' eulogizing eulog-izing our ftate in most appropriate terms. J. M. Allard also responded to the toast. "The Press."; in well chosen and laudable expressions. |