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Show j SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. I Paul Tarpey of San Francisco is in j Ihe city, and is the finest of Mrs. Le I Grand Youur of Ked Paitte Hollow. I Murray R Howard and Barney 3 Quinn. youtiR Salt Lakers who went to I loRau last week to take the examina- I lion for "West Point, have returned to i their homes. j Landlord Fred Wey of the Wilson I left Tuesday on a three reeks' trip to j New York, to britiR back" his daughter I from the east, where she has been I studying-. 1 Mrs. Don P.. Coray and her son, ? Ponald. have moved into their new f home. ."'49 Elizabeth street, between Eleventh and Twelfth East and Fifth and Sixth South streets, where they will be at home tt their friends here-' here-' after. The State Medical association is to be congratulated on the new president, Ir. E. F. Root. A more able, skillful, conscientious physician could not be selected se-lected for ihe important position. Nothing Noth-ing can add to the doctor's popularity with his legion of friends, but all realize t hp t the honor could not be more fittingly conferred. Kenneth C. Kerr, the newly-appointed passenger agent on the San Pedro, is as busy as 1he buzzing summer bee. For many years Mr. Kerr h.'us been one of Salt Lake's mosrt popular newspaper i men. Il is an enterprising, live "hust ler," and has the best traits of all for his position, affability and thf' constant courtesy of a true gentleman. The best wishes of hosts of friends follow him in hiH new work. j !Miss Nellie Reilley was the recipient of a pleasant surprise party this week. Miss Stella Kane way the hostess of I an entertaining party last Saturday! j afternoon. j I Little Carrie Chance entertained a I number of little friends Friday of last j week.' I Mrs. Anna Mc-Kenna returned on I Thursday from an extended visit in the I south. I x I Miss Genevieve prooks entertained a - number of school friends last Saturday I Light. I Mis. C. H. Hickey. wife of the presi- I nt of the Nampa (bla.) National I baiiK, is in town for a few days and is a 5 guest at the Invon. I - - j After a two months' visit with Mr. j and Mrs. A. (5. Mackenzie of this city f Mrs. J. G. Mackenzie ha? returned to I Miles City. Mont., accompanied by her son Roy. Mrs. "Walter Lewis of liutte is in I town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. K. lewis. Superintendent Matt Connolly nf the Ontario and John McSorley of the Ialy-Judg: mines in Park City were down from the properties yesterday, having been in attendance upon the Federal court. ; j j General Manager Raneroft and Gen- I eral Supintendt nt Buckingham of the 1 Oregon Short Line are back at their !des-ks after a week's inspection of their road in Idaho. The wedding of Miss Ida Kathryn Mecklenburg, formerly of this city, and ; , i Ro'ot-rt E. Cleveland took place "Wed nesday in Seattle. Mrs. F. c. Mecklenburg Mecklen-burg of this city left last week to attend at-tend the nuptials. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Cleve-land will spend their honeymoon in I P.ritish Columbia, and will be at home I to their friends after .Tune 15 in Seattle. I Among those leaving for Los Angles' by the Salt Lake route Wednesday j J . v-eip Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Navlor. Mrs. ! W. W. HallMrs. S. 1). Evans" and par- i ty. Mrs. C. A. Hedquist, nr. jack I Keith. R. O. Ha?ue. Mrs. Lejch of 1 Butt". Mrs. M. B. Whitney. Mrs. Pal- I mer and party, L. O. Nayior, Mrs. Al- I ejander. J. Machugh. Mrs. Arden, Mr. f and Mrs. Howatt. Thomas O'Connor i and party of St. Louis. Roy White and party from Poeatello, Mr. and Mrs. C. fr -. Blackmoor of St. Louis, J. E. and S. j M. Bamberger. I Mrs. Annie McKenna, who has been ! visiting her kinsman. Rev. P. H. Mc-Mahon, Mc-Mahon, will leave this week for her lionie in Salt Lake Cily. Augusta i I Herald. |