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Show I' PILGRIMAGE TO ROME : .AND TOUK OF EUROPE. Rt. Rev. r.enjamin J. Keiley. D. D.. Bishop of .Savannah, spiritual !; director. For particulars and booklet, address McGrane's Cat hoi i tours. ; 1ST BROADWAY, NKV YORK, N. Y. I Perfect Satisfaction f -4- 5 Is Assured When You t i Buy Floor Coverings t 4- ' i Here 1 The prettiest patterns and fin- 4- s i J est qualities at lowest prices. t This must be the verdict of every 4- one who visits our carpet and Z . rug department on the main floor. J " Evidence of the painstaking in T the selection of goods and in J their proper pricing is to be J -k j- found on all sides. Cdme in any J time, whether buying or looking. All goods sold on our convenl- X- ent part-payment plan. i P.WJIadsen's ljj Furniture and ! f Carpet Store li 51 to 57 East 1st I t , South St. I t ... . i ! . '. i - " i CALLAWAY, H00GK ' & FRANCIS - ; - 7 - - Where everyone buys Crockery. Lamps and GlasswareV jt'omvlete department of J Hotel, restaurant and Bar Supplies. 156 S. Main Street, 5 1 1 ...LEADER IN VEHICLES AND HARNESS... j l ., I j I THE BEST ELECTRIC AND GASO- ii' I ' 157159-161 State St., Salt Lake, Utah, j I' C. A. QUIGLEY. - - General Manager. A - " If you need anything in the line of bicycles, it will pay you to come to ! CARTER'S LEAGUE CYCLE STORE I Tires at $5.00 per pair The best only. t t The best wheel tha.t ever came to Salt t Lake for $25. SPORT1XG GOODS AT THE LOWEST THICES IN THE CITY. - -K Edison Phonographs, Records and Blanks. Garter's League Cycle Store ! 323 S. WEST TEMPLE. ' ' Presented m free" k- To every sub-! scribcr, new or Wii '(' wh pays pfc one year's sub-:t0) sub-:t0) scription in ad-Bgy ad-Bgy vance. This pen retails at $2.50. iffiA The merits of the L-B-J "Leader" are es- tablished. Send 1a your subscription, $2.00 and the 14k lj .gold fountain pen fwill be sent to your address. I largest Tabls Market in Town. ' I Eclipse Grocery & I Meat Co. H f ' s , i 52 and 54 East First South St. V j IMMENSE STOCK. j QUICK DELIVERY. jj LOW PRICES. I FOUR TELEPHONES. t I We are the agents for Deimel's Dan- I J druff Cire and i Hair Tonic. " A guaranteed and positive cure for dandruff. Unsurpassed as a r hair dressing, keeping the scalp J ' clean and promoting a luxuriant J growth of hair. " The price is $1.00 for a large- sized bottle, and the place where it can be obtained is the f. J. HILL DRUG CO I t The Family Druggist. Corner Opposite Postoffice. BOTH PHONES-541. QUICK DE- J t LIVERY. J :EUftS HORIUS 5 50MS CO. Importers and J Dealers in Marble and Granite Stone Mantels, Grates and i Monumental Work. r I 21. 23. 25. 27 West South Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. i 4 4 Graduate cf Tuning: Dept. New England Conservatory of Music. Boston, Mass. GEORGE H. VINE Tuner and Repairer of PIANOS AND ORGANS. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. j F. COALTER MUSIC CO. ' : ; : THE Catholic University of America Founded by His Holiness Leo XIII. directed di-rected by the American Hierarchy, and supported by the Catholic people the United States, offer exceptional advantages advan-tages to LAY MEMBERS in its courses leading to the degrees Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Laws. .These, courses are open to' graduates of high schools and academies, and others of like scholastic attainments. . - - . h A JMfP COAL CO. : i j 73 S. Main I ROCK S'PKLNOS AND CCMDKR- LAND LlrMlNTT AND SLACK i -i Eel! Fhor.e 13St. Independent. J. Fino Hread and Cakes Baked I'reh Kvery Day. Vienna Modal Bakery and Gafe j CHAS. G. SKTBOLDT. Proprietor. 19 E. Third South St, i SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. "v iri-J I - IJ iwh.iij ill . DO YOU NEED j Stylish Coaches or Coupes? for railin?'.' Do yo-i noed fin t:p-to-dato carriages witii weil informed in-formed drivers fnr visiting frienris? Thevery best and latest styles ar at J ! Salt Lake Livery & Transfer Co. Phor.e 211. SAMUAL PAi;L. Mfr. , 5uui mimi mtmi "Mam i nam I HAZELNUT and EUREKA BRANDS OF BUTTER lildde by the Faust Creamery & Go Tour grocer tail get them for you. Til KING HARDWARE & STOVE COMPANY Hardware, Cutlery, Tinware, Stoves x and Ranges. Mining Supplies. Telephone 748 168 Main Street. Kid Brav's Restaurant OPEN ALL NIGHT. POPULAR PRICES 49 EAST SECOND SOUTH ST. Peter Osika, j Unipn Alerchant Tailor, ! PARK CITY, UTAH. j : t Knowing: that too much care can- i not be exercised in filing phy- ' t ' siclana' prescriptions, we have re- cently fitted up an exclusive : PRESCRIPTION t BEPA RTR1ENT stocked with purest drugs and J j v chemicals. T y Your physician and yourself are $ y Invited to call and se. how much J 1 y care la taken with th comound- 4 J lngr of medicines for your sick folks. j WELCOME STEP IN j All Cars Start From :CODBEPITTS DRUG I j ...STORE... i k ' 1 Both 'Phones 140 f I ' 1 I'' E. H. Alris. Pres. R. W. Nicol. Sacy J . j . Salt Lake ; Electric Supply j ' ; 1 " I j i Contracting Electricians. j "Wholesale and Ketail Electri j Supplies. j s. Best assorted line of Electric Fix- j tures west of Chicaco. J " i " 'Phon No. J 151 MA1X ST, SALT LAKE CTTT. j 1 |