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Show BEWARE 'OMMPOSTORS. Yon can fool all the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all the people all the time." Tho above is so true that no matter how f infrequently in-frequently persons are warned to beware of impostors, im-postors, yet people arc billing to allow themselves to be imposed upon in the name of charity. At the head of this journal, on. the editorial page, is a standing' notice from the Bishop of the diocese. We direct the attention of all our readers to its purport. To still further protect the public, the same notice was published at one time in the daily papers for a month. Yet the people, according to the reports of the daily papers, freely allow themselves them-selves to be swindled. For this there is no excuse, as the people, to whom such an appeal is made, could in le.ss than one minute communicate by 'phone with the institution or the authorities of the church. To collect through misrepresentation, or solicit alms is a violation of the law, and as no person, whether "assuming the garb of a priest or sister or any cause pertaining to the church" are authorized by the Ordinary of the diocese, or have his sanction, they should not only be refused, but be turned over to tin- peace authorities for violating violat-ing the law. |