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Show SALT LAKE, CATHEDRAL NOTES. Mr;-'. J. R Cosgrift" and Miss Elizabeth Eliza-beth (Yisfrriff Hre the ladies appointed to attend to the altars this week. I T.IiHs Owen will sins an "Ave Maria" i fur the offertory- at St. Mary's on Sun- I day. At the 11 o'clock mass last Sunday. Tit. Km-. Kishop Scanlan proac-hed a grandly eloquent prnrom on the "Dulirs of Parents to Their Children."' Miss oiiso Jloel'er, Anna Siiinp-nr.-ui and Eueenia Mereier wore the Fwfot little soloists at the 9 o'clock mass lust Sunday. Instructions for First Holy Coin-; Coin-; mujiion and Continuation are g-iven I twice a week at the cathedral now. Parents are requested to see that their children attend faithfully. Margaret. Teresa and A nasi asm Jluller, the bright little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Puller sang at the cathedral on Wednesday night. J Margaret Seott of the junior choir has been verv ill for two weeks. I I Practice for the annual coronation t ceremony will beein next week. J The attendance of the children at j iioir practice on Saturdays is not ' regular. Parents are requested to j send Ihe little folks to rehearsal. I . Su.ely !he children should Rive forty- five minutes to the choir, Besides be- iiiR an ait of devotion, the children S profit by the (ruining- and if parents 1 really knew what Rood work is done I at 'ho rehearsals they mipht be more j particular about sending the children. I J Miss Pearl ioldinR sanR the offertory j nt St. Patrick's last Sunday. The I youiiR lady has a pretty soprano voice j and is a faithful member of the i (splendid choir at St. Patrick's. The members of the 11 o'clock choir peem to be suffering: from "spring: fever." Nothing- like work for this annual disease, so three rehearsals are "called" for next week. The music last Sunday was "awful." |