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Show Obituary. KEITH. Charles F. Keith died at North I Yakima, at 3:30 Wednesday morning of pneumonia, after an illness of four days. His condition was serious from the start. His sister, Mrs. Esk ridge of Seattle, was at the bedside when the end came. His father, David Keith, j started from Los Angeles Tuesday night and arrived Friday. No arrange- ments for the funeral have yet been t made. Mr. Keith came here last winter and bought the Castor ranch on Natchez river, paying $"").00. He has been living on the place since that time. Charles Foreman Keith was born in Virginia Cily, New. December 23. 1X76. He spent his boyhood in Virginia City, New, and Park City, Utah. In the latter lat-ter place he was educated in the public schools. He went to the State Agri cultural college in Logan, after finishing finish-ing his public school course, and was graduated from that institution. Later he took a commercial course in Boston Mass. Mr. Keith was a young man when he came to Salt Lake City with his father. During the absence of the latter he superintended the building of the Keith building on Main street. He has since been connected w ith his father in business busi-ness and has been active in these lines. A few months ago Mr. Keith left to take charge of the Castor ranch near North Yakima, Wash. He was taking up ranching on a large scale there and was making a great success of it when ) he was taken ill. The land was in the irrigated section in Yakima county, and it was regarded as a wonderfully productive tract. --DOUGHERTY. --DOUGHERTY. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dougherty tender them sympathy in the grief occasioned by the death of their little son. Edward, who died on Wednesday. |