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Show Assessment No. 2. SNAKE CREEK CONSOLIDATED Mining company, a corporation of Utah. Principal place of business. Salt Lake City. Utah. Location of mines. Snake Creek Minins district. Wasatch county, Utah. Not ice Is hereby given that at" a meeting of the board of director? of the Snake Creek Consolidated Mining com-psny. com-psny. a corporation of Utah, held on March 2!. lOOS, an assessment of one-fifth one-fifth of one cent per share, being assess-. assess-. ment No. 2. was levied upon the capital! ptock of the corporation ipsued ;ind outstanding-, payable immediately to the Fee-rotary. Fee-rotary. Edward McGurrin, at room 207, Security Trust building. Salt Lake City. Utah. Any (dock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Monday. Mav-1, 19a", will be delinquent and advertised" for pale at public auction, and unless payment pay-ment is made before, will be sold on Wednesday. May 24. 1!W. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the office of thc secretary aiore-said. aiore-said. to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising adver-tising and expenses of sa!e. EDWARD M'GURRIN. Secretarv. 207 Security Trust Building. Salt Lake City. Utah, Date of first publication, April 1, 1905. |