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Show ' - I t California Fish & j Poultry Co. The most Reliable Fish. Poultry and ' OyBter House in Salt Lake. i 70 W. First South St. LEADING BANKS. I Established 1S39. Incorporated 13- I no 1MIW ! I WfflS, l :; Salt Lake City I Capital $200,000 f I Surplus and Fronts I $50,000,00 X Safety Tiepo.Mt Boxes for rent at $.",.no per year and upward. .j. : Exchange drawn on all the princl- y pal cities of the world. : y Accounts solicited. ; -a COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Capital Paid In, $200,000 General banking in all its branches. Directors J. B. Cosgriff. John J. Daly, O. J. Salisbury. Moylan C. Fox. J. E. Cosgriff, V; P. Noble, George M. Downey, John Donnel-lan, Donnel-lan, A. F. Holdcn. " . I, A i ah ii or i l lill f Hi I U. S. DEPOSITORY $ FRANK KNOX President l J. A. MURRAY .... Vice Pi evident jjj W. F. ADAMS Cashier j $ CAPITAL PAID IN WXl.m $ W SURPLUS AND PROFITS. $120,000 tt & ft A General Banking Business Trsn- t t ctcd. V Safety Deposit Boxes for Item. s Jj The finest safety deposit ault It & t tho city. J Letters of credit issued. Interest $ paid on time deposits. THE STATE BANK OF UTAH Commercial Bankin in all Its Branches. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Special attention given to country trade. V g..--.Blosz, Saitacity Begs to specially" notify his patrons that he has secured the agency of Tin's incomparable corset, known for many years as the very acme of perfection amouug Corsetiers in Europe and this country, still retains all those features which have made it so desirable, while tho late models show sll the new ideas conforming to the Spring and Summer fashions. A $ 9L Y0U D0 N0T KNOW when yu may have a ft". Be j S '- . prcpcl for it. J i FOR ABSOLUTE SECURITY take out a policy with the J lip SMEDLEV - WAKELING INS. AGENCY I ' - 204 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. J :llliifiil Laundry Cares rPHl fwffel A thi"9 of thc past' That PER Qmi iriP FECT WORK lightens the burden. ' ipS Troy Laundry (i0S4ii. ' "The Laundry of Quality." WliMXtM , Both 'Phones 192. 166 Main -St. afc COPYDIGHT . : 4 yC Don't Forget that the ' fif WHITE 1 M MOUNTAIN, II I J Is the finest Ice Cream Freezer in the World. h'h ' lia Better buy one. NOW then you will have the satis- j-r ': J faction of knowing that you have, a. freezer , that 'is ftjj tUl worth every dollar of its cost, and one that you f (Jf can use the rest of your lifetime. .' pjl 61 .fa , ' C ' , . . . . ft WE HAVE-NT PAID MUCH-j ; , ATTENTION I ? to Dr. Hyatt lately," but we do.J :-feel that in passing this rnln- j ;j storm out to us he .5 going a J little too far. The idea of havm i I' J a cold rain after the baseball J ' season onens. : : 1 - i i BAMBERGER, j - : I 161 Meighn St. ! j! U.S. A.' P "Wholesale Dept. 'Phones 8.6. 8i h I Retail Dept. Phones 364, 965, 066 F I W. S. flendersonj I'B Wholesale L Grocers. Corner Second South and Third t West streets. Retail Department, L 267-L'69 Main Street. fi Specialty, High-grade and Im- : ported Goods. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DENTIST. DO. SCOTT CHAPMAN 506 Scott-Strevell Biulding. J. E. SCALL0N, M. D., PIIYSICTAN AND SURGEON, office, suite 403-10 34 South Main. Hours, 2 te 4 p. m. Bell telephone 2v03-Z. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult county clerk or the respective signers for further information. ! j OREEORKVECO." : HEATMi ! VENT1LAI1!; ' Peai"r- Pipe Fitting?. Valve- - ers. Engine. Fire . Sewer Pip K- '' 135 SOUTH STATE S"" Telethon? SALT LAKE CORNICE AND ROOFING WORKS j j F. A. FAFEK, Piopri?--. ! MANUFACTURER OM Av;) j GALVANIZED IK1 N j FRONTS m CORNICES , j Fireproof Doors and Sh-.i::- :v. t ' ! Skylights. Window Caps i,:-. i Windows. Tin, Iron and .p-:. . p..0;. ! ivg. Ornamental Ceiling. TW AND SHEET IRON WORK 326 So. State St., Salt Lak C;7. P. O. Box 8. Telephone X. A Physician's Experience. 3 Dayton. O.. March. l4. I desire to state that dsrinr the past: 7 rcat I prescribed more than 500 bottles of Pastor K". . f nig's Nerre Tonic for erery clasa of nerrous r ft--c. J V tkm. The efiect baa been beyond conception; t ' ie a history of many cases which hare bea cured by the Valuable Tonic, would fill a iarg book and too nnmeroui to classify- A mot in. est in a case wag that of a rirl 16 jears old. wbich had frum 3 to 3 epileptic attacks daily, shewn treated by several physicians and a speoaiu', without a. rail. aU pronounced her case incurab. j but than I gare her Pastor Koenia's Nervs T:n a j and after taking it but one weelt she had oniyon j more attack and none since in 4 years, yet she con- tinues to take small dosses of the Tonic and it strong, healthy and happy. Dr. B. F. Cole. FrFF A Valuable Book on Ner- I taa VOU3 Diseases and sSampi I I bottle- to any address. Poor pa- I tients also get the medicine frei. F Prepared by the Rsv. Tatbck JCoisio, of Tort f Wayne, Ind., since 1679, and now by the ! KOENIQ MED. CO., Chicago, 111. lOO Lake Street. 5old by DrnsrgUt at SI per Bottle. 6 for IS, Largs Size. $1.7t; Bottles for 19. i In Salt Lake, by Smith Drusr Co. f In Denver, bv Scholtz Drug Co. I I REAL ESTATE i j i SALT LAKE CITT. Five rooms, close In; cement walks l l?neMol!lyS..0n.."r..S7500 Neat 5-room frame, well 50 ' ,' built; shade, etc.. only.. , 5 An elecant home. S-room moJ. s brick, furnace, barn, etc., worth S $5.."00: owner savs QTflfl S sell this piece for.... 1; SEE REALTT CO. ;I 66 VT. 2nd South. Both 'phones, 7 ! - E. C. Smith, President. 4 X Jno. P. Cobb, V. Pres. & Mgr. J J II. A. Knowlcs, Treasurer. F. L. Pearl. Secretary. I NCLDEN JUDSON I DRUG CO. : i til Wholesale Druggists. j P. O. Box 370, Salt Lake City. 1 i I i - . i .,..: , I WZ .r. . :. - '7 ',.,. M, 2 U Our Experience), I 0 All; Everything is Sacri- 1 p ficed for the betterment of I 1 HUSLER'S FLOUR i; If there's a risk, it's ours, not j yours; for your grocer willingly H i ' Htting feel llj That's Our Z&fW Business JOSEPH WM. TAYLOR, . UTAH'S LEADING : UNDERTAKER AND LICENSED ; EMBALMER. ' j Telephone 3S1. Office open day n ! Ijht. 21. 23. 23 South West Temple street, ; tilt Lake City. Utah. , t ) I - THE SECURITY ABSTRACT GO j Incorporated. ! 5a!t Lake and Tooele County . Abstracts. Atlas Block. 3 West 2d So Salt Lai ; City. , A. J. BRVNEAU. j j Bell 'phone m Manager. j 1 iSstate !j i i We have Bargains in Houses. j HOUSTON, THE IIOUSER, J.j 251 South Main. j , -is- |