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Show !M!N!ELL & CL j Undertakers and J Embalmers. j Metropolitan Hotel Block. 269 S. WEST TE1IPLE STREET. j Telephone 530. SALT LAKE CITT- j . COLOR ARTISTIC SCHEMES. SIGNS. 25 West 1st South. Telephone 1063. furnisher of FirstRate Paints Z) Painters FlTOflfM "Success is our Motto" If you want good work and best sanitary results, send for -X J- FMELL Phone 1205-k 335 South-Main Street r ' . E1RSKINE BROS. SIM! , FITTING. 2 f 4 JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ' 53 West First South. Telephone 029-X This Beautiful Marble jcssiV ss5 Cross. 3 ft. high, all jL;- 'J;4i Complete, Tl 525 r1- Headstones $10 and up M W. BROWN i 636 East Fourth South St., LVWywwl SaLT lake city, tjtah. Edward McGurrin - ' mrmmi as Suites 207-10 Security -Tmst Building. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. When in rJeecl or orin-o oee aBfOS CO. 1 124 Main St. HI IP fS F Y Is Produced By What We Eat Life prolnngfd by us!n? r-nini. healthr foorl. flood lucid is the mo?t puserttirtl article of food. You can have the very-best very-best every day by lelcphonicgr to the MODEL STEAM BAKERY ! G. A. FKIDEL, Proprietor. ! Telephone 1479X. j $ WLM MKT OP imn ufe Is spent at the dining table. There you should look pleasant, be pleasant find pleased. Our line of silver table-ware if conducive tc pleasure and it If not expensive. We have a new line of both plated and solid, and can suit every fancy and ever purse. We have also a fine line of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry Mail orders filled the day of receipt. JEWELER. Succeor to Jcslln & Park. SALT LAKE, UTAH. DENVER, COLO. Establfsned 1852. Mail orders a specialty. Booklet frt-e by mail, if requested. AN ALL YEAR ATTRACTION. j r j The Sanitarium Baths $150,000 Bathing Institution. NATURAL HOT SULPHUR "WATER. Just as it I comes from earth, healing all the ailments nf mankind, i Located in the heart of business district, just a few ! rods from all hotels. TWO IililENSE SWIMMING POOLS. PRIVATE A 1 1 Prtr,. TJJB PLUNGES. All 25 LCI Lb BATH 3. Only Gents" Turkish Bath in City. Ladies' Turkish Bath. Hairdressing and Manicuring. Chiropody. Finest Id the City. Open Day and Night. THE SANITARIUM BATHS 51-54 West Third South, Salt Lake City, t . RfY Made m Man I II I jiliW., is the one whom j j t;VT" an artistic tailor ' ll ' f ris ' gives style and eie- LJ-1 "7' ffance t0 wt1ich h lyl I Mti&&C. ' possibly does not J V pcssess without his , 1 5L Jw(S aid- Thc swe11 S ""' ' rwfw.-i dresser can have - I J .yc pi hU tastes fully j Wt fij' gratified by us ia ; I I VI ri''h- styli91 over- : j I I rj yfjf I coats in handsom I I wAp col'iinss. and I iflli' made in box, pad- f 1 Mil dock, doubi- I 1 i L brearted and fly if V front styIB. ai 1 tL v?A wel1 as business j and dress nuirs at I fjjf r3 3or.ab':e prices. ' SUITS TO ORDER, $25.00. J CALL ON US AT 235 MAIN ST. Established 1373 f BUCKLE' & SON :! TAILORS AND W00LSN J . j. i .. n J. F. BENNETT, W. J. BENNETT. ! f Pres. and Mgr. Sec. and Treas. ! Bennett Glass & Paint Co, Successors to Sears Glass and Paint Co. 67 West First South. I Salt Lake Gity. Carry the largest and most complete stdck a I f j tha west. i' I IpiSlfP Good to the Last Bite . O iilL'J ii -7 3 Aptly describes the tender, juicy, fine flavored sirloin 8 X P'"-'IC:&A,'' r' ' steaks we furnish. Lots of other good things In th O X . p'uSlV - j'J meat line, too-roasts of beef, lamb and mutton; tur- X Q f?-; N. ' ' keys, chickens, same; ham. fresh and cured etc.; etc X ' Q J5?!-:-'- p N , V Those who know speak well of our meata. You -will o Q P'--';;' ' J S. 7 . lf you fy them. Q ' X f.V ::.ik 1 f TELEPHONES - - Q 0 feD'i S?f Office. 134. Order Department. la. X Q EEg)" Order Department, 945. Tard, 201. Q 1 iS8gk' -Palace Meat Market, :ji X r ' y " "'; 'v 263-265 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ' Q j O - .',V-cv;-'vV.'.V 'j THOMAS J. NIPPER, Proprietor.1 ' '. ' "' X j C00000 J |