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Show I 1 . feyiT- 45lfPROJECTION TV Tn HWMNti N131ZW CiiMtti Radio a i Slim-line portable features Omni electronic Features PA WITTI AQVOnCGCl 3D3CB HllCini?" tuner with flywheel drive for quick, precise Capability, 2-way r channel selection. Tri-Focus Picture Tube, speaker system, pBMMMHBBa Triple-Plus Chassis and Auto-Control Color sleoP Switch and TOUCh a button On System. Loudness switch. J . . great gift idea! 39495 M7996 I iL-zr remote control .. . Js Giant screen will rise (rS) J I from cabinet... tR For a great holiday... choose a Zenith & Srovidssharper r i'l .(ajigiv color picture than ever J v Kl tbT IsJi. SSU im before possible in projection i--. 4- Wil ' Jla fdcteiEfeq TV! Direct Audio and Video THE TV THAT'S 9 "r1 -jjsswJF sassssssSi,- mm A u , T.Z.!,"- ii".- .lilLIii i. , recorders, disc players and ALSO A TELEPHONE I BB9H WJ diagonal j J J j p$?M 5000 feature. , The EL GRECO SN2549E J& f&M ! : '( (f I I A i ! If$& ' h .. . r : s ii i " ' ILHH srSsrs? 2 sN4545p siTPers ? hr s,ids- ' illiffl! 'emote control unit. Time Of - ' Simulated Pecan front. X M IWS o2S&E A THE TV THATS ALSO A TELEPHONE... YOU CAN B i glg IS5!SIcafc?12 8 DIAL OUT AND RECEIVE CALLS THROUGH THE TV! iff " ?)(!,nHed!,nd. 1 ADVANCED SPACE PHONE lets you make and receive calls through this TV without Zft glPy PnAnfaueFini $ e.fV,nfl eas 'cha,Lr- (?ot ,or connectin l P lines). Functions as full-service LH , m Mmique uaK i-misn. 7 phone with your handheld remote control unit. A sensitive microphone in the TV allows y SrTWMV&rf (? VyHFS ifitfft 3 you to speak into the set from across the room while the callers voice is received through df SJLZh Jm m n U S) IJ K llllll Si speaker Computer Space Command Remote Control also features UPDOWN "' w II J al channel scanning, on-screen channel number and time display. New Time Control Hjf jA01 THE QUALITY DIFFERENCE IN TV fjf Pro9rammerP'"s the usual Zenith quality remote control functions. AffiTft 0 Jl T2ftriii...r-- I CUSTOMER SATISFACTION JyfUKAl (s(lXi? RiUfUlyill l S GUARANTEED 1 |