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Show Locations in SLB&M. a-11923 ( 71-3603) Robert A. & Marilyn B. Robinson. Newcastle, UT proposes to change the point of diversion, place and nature of use of 5.0 ac. ft. of water as evidenced by a deeded portion of Appl. 14642 (71-1906)-. The water has been diverted from a 16-inch 16-inch well, at a point S. 225 ft. W. 290 ft. from NECor. Sec. 32, T36S, R16W; and used from Mar. 15 to Nov. 1 for the irrigation of 1.25 acs. in SE1 4 Sec. 29, T36S, R16W. ' Hereafter, 5.0 ac. ft. of water is to be diverted from an 8-inch well, 200-400 200-400 ft. deep, at a point S. 50 ft. W. 550 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 32, T36S, R16W (NE of Enterprise); and used for the domestic purposes of 2 families; and from Mar. 15 to Nov. 1 for the irrigation of 0.885 acs. in NE'NE't Sec. 32, T36S, R16W. a-11981 (73-2441) Harmony Land & Livestock Co., 479 S. 700 W., Cedar City, UT proposes to change the point of diversion, place and nature of use of 3.0 ac. ft. out of a total of 7.49 ac. ft. of water as evidenced by a deeded portion of Underground Water Claim 17383 (73-59). (73-59). The water was to have been diverted from two, 16-inch wells, 250 ft. deep, at the following points: 1) S. 63ft. E. 76ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 17; 2) S. 50 ft. W 2610 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 18; both T36S, R11W; and used from Mar. 15 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 1.8725 acs. in N'2NW',4 Sec. 17; N'2NE',4, NEV4NW4 Sec. 18, T36S, RllW. Hereafter, 3.0 ac. ft. of water is to be diverted from an 8-inch well, 200-400 200-400 ft. deep, at a point N. 125 ft. E. 600 ft. from W'4 Cor. Sec. 6, T37S, R12W (SW of Quichapa Lake); and used for stockwatering 107 cattle in NWV4SWV4 Sec. 6, T37S, R12W. a-11982 (73-2440) Richard E. & Betty E. Leonard, 980 Apache Lane, Las Vegas, NV-proposes NV-proposes to change the point of diversion, place and nature of use of 1.0 ac, ft. out of a total of 8.49 ac. ft. of water as evidenced by a deeded portion of Underground Water Claim 17383 (73-59). (73-59). The water was to have been diverted from two, 16-inch wells, 250 ft. 1 deep, at the following points: 1 ) S. 63 ft. E. 76 f t. from NW Cor. Sec. 17; 2) S. 50 ft. W. 2610 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 18; both T36S, RllW; - and used from Mar. 15 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 2.1225 acs. in N'2NW'4 Sec. 17; ; N'aNE'4, NE'NW 1 Sec. 18, T36S, RllW. Hereafter, 1.0 ac. ft. of and from Mar. 15 to Nov. 30 for the irrigation of 0.345 acs. in SEUNW't Sec. 34, T37S, R15W. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 W. North Temple, SLC, UT 84116, on or before Jan. 16, 1982. Dee C. Hansen, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in the Iron County Record Dec. 3, 10, and 17, 1981. water is to be diverted from an 8-inch well, 200-400 200-400 ft. deep, at a point N. 125 ft. E. 600 ft. from W 4 Cor. Sec. 6, T37S, R12W (SW of Quichapa Lake); and used for the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 7 cattle; and from Mar. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.0175 acs. inSW'4NW'4 Sec. 6, T37S, R12W. a-12032 (71-3608) Golden California Packing Co., c-o Mac Reber, Box 26908, SLC, UT proposes to change the point of diversion, place and nature of use of 3.0 ac. ft. of water as evidenced by Seg. Appl. a-9663-a. The water has been diverted from an 8-inch 8-inch well, 150-300 ft. deep, at a points. 660 ft. W. 1320 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 35, T36S, R15W; and used for stockwatering 107 cattle in N'2N'2 Sec. 35, T36S, R15W. Hereafter, 3.0 ac. ft. of water is to be diverted from any one, two, or all of three, 6-inch wells, 50-200 50-200 ft. deep, at the following points: 1) N. 1100 ft. W. 1150 ft.; 2) N. 800 ft. W. 500 ft.; 3) N. 500 ft. W. 400 ft.; all from E '4 Cor. Sec. 34, T37S, R15W (Pinto Area); and used for the domestic purposes of 3 families, stockwatering 10 cattle; NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change water in Iron County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. |