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Show h X : A x X ""; COLLECT yV AS 'CU PASS AS YOU PASS i i FOR SALE: 2 bedroom home in Sunbow Subdivision. 1200 sq.ft., Bronze windows and custom built cabinets Look to appreciate.DRC6016 FOR RENT: Perfect for students. 2 bedroom apt. with cooking facility. Only $70. per room or $140 for complete unit. Call 586-8912. 8-6-tf f -20 DISCOUNT D&D j J Plumbing Service I J Repairs, Parts, Fixtures, Disposals j I Water Heaters, Stopages I Dishwashers Installed. I j Servicing the entire J I Southern Utah Area! 105-Speclal Notices POETS are you RENT A SANTA CLAUS interested in being for schools, churches, published? If so call Ellen clubs and home. 586-7656, anytime at 586-8576. 586-2640- 12"3-3Pd I'm interested in full time, part-time, or piece work employment in the area. At present I commute to Tonopah, Nevada, employed as a maintainance' coordinator. I'm forty years old, 6 ft '2 in. tall 175 lbs, good health, good natured, non-smoker, non-drinker, honest, dependable, white, Christian male. My qualifications and back ground are: Boilers-heating, Boilers-heating, cooling systems. Electric-commercial, residential and remodle. Rough Carpentry-concrete, Carpentry-concrete, sheetrock, formica. General plubing ABS, copper, galvenized, black sewer. Back Hoe Operator minor i excavating and fill. Semi driving - short distance driving & delivery. I Shipping & receiving ' supplies, Record keeping, I light typing. Foreman, Supervisor. The following people know me: Bill Bowles, Crystal Springs Water Co. has the most delicious spring water in 5 gallon bottles. Non chlorinated. No chemicals or minerals added. Pure Utah mountain spring water can be delivered to your home. Leeds UT. Call 879-2215 Cedar City, Utah-Frito Lay route man. 586-0166. Roy Cooley, Washington, Utah-Semi driver AG Food. 673-9363. Please contact for interview 1-702-482-9612. Box 3227 Tonopah, Nevada 89049 or Box 1535 Cedar City,Utah 84720. Thanks, William Orison. 12-10-3pd PBT"" """"" "! MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE, 1981 INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE, BIG SAVINGS BEFORE DEC. 20, 1981. 3.6M, 4M, 9.8M, 9.8E, 18M, 25E. Also 4.5M and 20 ML. NEW VALCO BOATS -4-12 and 4-14. FISHING TACKLE 20 percent off. RESERVOIR BEER & BAIT. Minersville Reservoir,- noon - 8 p.m. daily except Sunday. 12-3-2b iflKEfffRliTEP FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apt. close to college, $250 monthly, also 1 bedroom sleeping room $70 monthly. 586-8912. 10-8-tf FOR RENT: Basement apt. furnished, one bedroom. 586-2317. 12-3-26 FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apt. near college. 586-4239. 586-4239. 12-17-2b ' i- - i . 1 m. -I i HAWAII! HAWAII! How to exchange jobs and would you like to spend homes with next year one year in Hawaii? The (Sept. 1982). A great chance is here! We are opportunity for a looking for an elementary beautiful vacation while school teacher AND a you work! For more' high school physical information, call 586-5505. education-health teacher li-5-tf CHIMNEY CLEANING Call Cedar Sweeps for price quote. Avoid a fire hazard. Call today, 586-2066. 586-2066. 12-3-tf Part-time assistant jailor. Call Jack Miller. 586-3551. 12-17-2b PERMANENT, PART-TIME PART-TIME TYPESETTER. Hours variable on Fridays, Mondays, Tuesdays Must take typing and spelling test at Job Service. Contact Bruce Lee, Iron County record 586-1202. 12-17-tf ttommnnM 1 Employment Request from Charles William Orison Hi. I'm William Orison, 188 North Main 586-0800 FOR SALE: Nice 2 bedroom townhouse apt. 586-6343. 10-29-tf FOR SALE: 5 bedroom home, 3 bathrooms, double garage, full basement, fireplace, and woodburning srove, large garden, assumable 9:,4 percent loan. Ideal location. For sale by owner-see by appointment. 586-7229. 11-25-4b HOME FOR SALE on 2V2 acres. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 1200 sq.ft. Extras, must see to appreciate. DRC6015 Better 188 North Main 586-0800 FOR SALE: home in ' Newcastle with 5' 2 acres. Large garden spot with excellent water rights. Corrals, sheds, potato pit. Home newly-rewired. Thermal pane windows. 586-1261. 12-3-3pd Just in time for Christmas, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1144 sq. ft. Finished basement. Assumable loan at 8 . DRC6013 Oh Better 188 North Main 586-0800 FOR SALE: By owner two story brick hom with full basement, ( bedroom, 3 bath. Toj condition. Large lot qom R-3. Irrigation water garden, fruit trees. Gcxx terms. Call 586-9761. 9 17tf 5 year old custom buill brick home located ir Cedar Valley. Fireplace, wood stove, 3 bedrooms, familyroom, 1382 sq. ft. DRC6012 Oil Better Wiia H?mes. 188 North Main 586-0800 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. Partially furnished. 304 S. 100 W. Cedar City. $182 monthly. No pets. 586-0586. 586-0586. 9-17-tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom house, across from Enoch Elementary. Call Jane Twitchell, 586-6382. 12-3-26 FOR RENT: Nice, 2-bedroom 2-bedroom townhouse. 586-6343. 586-6343. 12-3-tf FOR RENT: 4 bedroom house. $250 a month. 586-4800. 586-4800. 12-10-2b FOR RENT 3 bedroom house near college. 586-4239. 586-4239. 12-17-2b FOR RENT Very nice 4 bedroom, family room. Choice neighborhood. 351 S. 200 W. $375. 586-3318. 12-17-2b MOUNTAIN VIEW MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY IN CEDAR CITY: space rent is only $50 a month. Mention this ad and receive 2 months rent free. 586-2022 or (702) 451-0318. 451-0318. 10-8-tf COMMERCIAL STORAGE STO-RAGE FOR RENT up to 5000 square feet. Contact Boulevard Furniture 586-3234 586-3234 and ask for Jay. 6-11-tf FOR RENT: 2 warehouse spaces 2,000 sq. ft. or 4,000 sq. ft. Call North East Furniture, 586-9489. 5-14-tf WAREHOUSE SHOP and small storage units for rent. Call 586-6343. 8-27-20pd FOR SALE: Three Fountains Condo, Manor model, 2850 sq. ft. beautiful decor throughout, low interest financing available. Call 586-7167 or (1) 485-3244. 10-8-tf 6SK9D Lovely 2 and 3 bedrooms, clean, many are brand new. High class yet low prices, from $195. Professionally managed by Greg jniUoUJfililJ Video Production Co. WILL BE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE TO AUDITION FOR THEIR MOTION PICTURE. IF INTERESTED CALL CHUCK 586-1603 c AND STOP, YOU CAN COLLECT ON THE BEST BUYS AROUND! ! j THIS WEEK'S SUPER SPECIAL I faij Shrtrnr4 rir . ja"rfm Quo ii ' You won't collect on the super savings if you pass this one up! This home j is located on 5 acres with IVi feet of underground water. With a well built j home, plenty of land and water and assumable financing at less than half j j the prime rate certainly makes this a sound investment. Doesn't it? Your I J monthly investment will be low and your happiness great in this week's I special home. Call Tom for more details. I PERFECT, PERFECT! I This large ranch style home in peaceful Toquerville which has the best ! I climate in Utah. This is really two homes in one. It is perfect for a large ! ! I family or the family with parents to care for. There is approximately 4800 I sq. ft. which includes 2 kitchens, 6 bedrooms, 2 full baths, one half bath J and two V baths. It is on .9 acre fenced with new chain link fence. Has j sprinkler system and 1 share on irrigation water. It is presently on a new J septic tank buy the sewer hookup fee is paid. The home is well insulated J j and has a beautiful view of Pine Valley Mountain. Call GO Real Estate. J j Cedar City 586-4488 or LaVerkin 635-4483. I I INVEST IN REAL ESTATE. . j We have the best investment property in Cedar City! Located on South j ( Main Street across from Cedar's largest shopping center. Included is 58 j ; j units on 4.5 acres, and is one of Southern Utah's best known motels. Call j 5 j or write GO Real Estate, Box 901, 718 South Main, Cedar City, Utah j ) j 84720. Or phone 1 -801 -586-4488 and ask for any salesperson or Gene. 3 I j ' SURVIVAL MINI FARMS . We have mini farms of 20 acres each near Beryl Junction in the beautiful j Escalante Valley. Each parcel has good soil with level land with a good j crop of alfalfa already established. 20 acre feet of water is deeded with : j each parcel, with more available if you desire. Two of the parcels already i j have existing wells. All this is adjacent to county roads, school bus routes, , j low power rates and telephone services. Very good terms. Contact the I Cedar office or Beryl Junction 439-5571. I Look for our signs! j BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE j One and seven tenths acres, 12 miles west of Cedar City. This is a triangle shaped parcel with 610 feet of highway frontage on Utah Highway 56. I With electrical and telephone services nearby. This lovely piece of land I with trees is priced at only $6300 with good terms. Ask for Gene or I another salesperson. I This one won't last long! I INDUSTRIAL OR SUBDIVISION INVESTMENT I 1 14 acres with 113 acre feet of water located on highway 56 just 2 miles I west of I-1 5 interchange and 2 Vi miles to the airport. This choice proper- I ty has 2641' of railroad and highway frontage. This property has been I approved as a subdivision, or would make an excellent location for in- I dustrial development which is already in the area. Call GO in Cedar City j at 586-4488 and ask for Gene or another salesperson. GREAT DEVELOPMENT POSSIBILITIES 330 acres of ideal development property east and south of the beautiful Kolob View turn off. The propety has approximately one mile frontage on 1-15. Priced at only $390 per acre. We also have water rights available for this area at $1100 per acre foot. Contact GO Real Estate in Cedar j City, Ut. 84720. Or phone 801-586-4488 ask for Gene or any salesperson. VERY NICE j That is the description for this 2.2 acres located just off Highway 56 bet- ! ween Beryl Junction and Modena. This parcel has a small ridge running J east to west, which is very ideal for building a home with a commanding view in all directions. The price is excellent and includes 1 acre foot of J underground water rights. Power and telephone services are nearby. In j the evening give Gene a call or call the office and talk to anyone of our J salespeople. J Look...Only $2,500 I EVERYTHING IS COMPLETE On this very nice 5 acre parcel adjacent to county maintained gravel road in Escalante Valley. Completed are: a well, which includes a 3 HP pump, j 120 gallon pressure tank. Septic tank and leach lines. Power on the JLsas'-yperty with telephone service adjacent to the property. Just move your yrobile home in and hook-up to be all set to go. Yes, there are terms y ivailable. Call GO Real Estate, or evenings call Gene at 489-557 1 . BUILDING A HOME? We have plenty of prime building lots in Cedar City and the surrounding areas. From North to South or East to West we can find what you want. We have lots near the new K-Mart, the high school, the sunbow all just to name a few. Give us a call on vacant properties and ones that we can build to suit for you the customer, building lots in the Parowan area. Starting from $7,000 in the city! TOLL FREE: 800-545-0902 Ext. H4C 718 South Main Cedar 586r4488 "ln the Heart of the West" Water for Sale skA Parowan Valley 580 Soulh MinC4 City, Utah 14720 (OI) 586-1101 SotithernUtahs Bflagfeet Place iH Classified Order Form For only $2.00 for 15 words your ad is published in The Iron County Record each week. Besides being a good deal it's also simple. Just fill out what you want in your ad on the lines below, one word per line and mail it with a check or money order to: Southern Utah's Marketplace P.O. Box 1568 Cedar City, Utah 84720 Name Address Phone How Many Times 1 2 3. $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 4. 5. 6. $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 7. 8. 9. $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 10. 11. 12. - $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 13. 14. 15. $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 16. 17. ' 18. $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 19. 20. 21. $2.40 $2.50 $2.60 22. 23. 24 $2.70 $2.80 $2.90 Add 10 per word after 24 words. K you want your ad to run more than one week, you can save money. Call 586-1202 for exact cost for a longer run. WOOD STOVE CLEARANCE SPECIAL PRICES ON LARGE SIZES IN STOCK,! Reg. Sale Saf ire-Blower & Thermostat $784 $634 Defiance-Glass Doors 844 $694 Fisher Grandpa -Nickel 849 $699 Fisher Grandpa-Brass 818 $668 XL Fisher-Nickel 898 $748 Wood Splitter 380 $280 760 South 300 East -586-8180 |