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Show 3:16 GD MOVE "S O S. Coast Guard" (1942, Adventure) Bela Lugosl, Maxine Doyle. The activities activi-ties ol a notorious gang ol criminals crimi-nals led by a demented arms expert are stymied by the efforts of an alert member of the Coast Guard. 3:30 PUBLIC AFFAIRS 4:00 (B ALL-STAR SOCCER Manchester Man-chester United vs. West Bromwich ) STRAIGHT TALK 4:26 GD MOVE "Trail Of Robin Hood" (1950) Roy Rogers, Penny Pen-ny Edwards. A cowboy restores justice to the old West. 4:46 GD MOVIE y "Bear Island" (1980) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. An Arctic weather-research team's mind isn't just on the climate when its members are forced Into a fight for their very survival. 'PG' ((sunday)) DECEMBER 20, 1981 Copyright 1901 T V Data, Inc. MORNING 6:00 (9 SPORTS CENTER DR. PAUL YONGGI CHO 6:30 CB NHL HOCKEY Chicago Black Hawks at Washington Capitals THE GROWING YEARS 6:00 GD SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE ' GD OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN Q3) PINWHEEL NINE ON NEW JERSEY 6' 30 GD WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW OLD? DAY OF DISCOVERY 7:00 GD SACRED HEART GD MOVIE (4 "Superman" (1978, Fantasy) Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder. Mild-mannered Mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent dons his red cape and uses his superhuman powers to thwart an arch criminal's plot to destroy the West Coast with a giant earthquake. 'PG' GD LET'S FACE IT GD FACES ORAL ROBERTS 0 JIM BAKKER 7:16 GD FROM THE CATHEDRAL 7:30 GD JERRY FALWELL GD LAND OF THE LOST GO ROBERT SCHULLER POINT OF VIEW 8:00 GD HOTEL BALDERDASH GO SUNDAY MORNING COLLEGE BASKETBALL "Houston Kettle Classic Championship Cham-pionship Game" GD INTERACTION SUNDAY MASS KENNETH COPELANO 8:30 GD REX HUMBARD GD KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: John Ritter, soccer star Giorgio Chinaglia, actor Scatman Crothers, Matthew and Patrick Laborteaux. (R) (T) INTERACTION THAT'S THE SPIRIT 9:00 GD THE WORLD TOMORROW CD MISTER ROGERS (R) DAVEY AND GOLIATH JIMMY SWAGGART 9.30 GD BUSINESS JOURNAL GD MOVIE 14 "Snowball Express" (1972, Comedy) Dean Jones, Nancy Olson. A New York accountant travels west to the Rockies in an attempt to modernize modern-ize a dilapidated ski resort he inherited. 'G' GD IT IS WRITTEN CD TABERNACLE CHOIR CD SESAME STREET (R) g REX HUMBARD 10:00 GD MEET THE PRESS GD ORAL ROBERTS O BYU DEVOTIONAL ARCHIVES GC FACE THE NATION CS SPORTS CENTER PLUS ROBERT SCHULLER FITNESS MOTIVATION 10:30 (D EXTRA GD THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRHMKLEY (S NFL TODAY CD ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) MOVIE "Blondie Goes Latin" (1941, Comedy) Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake. Blondie, Dagwood and Mr. Dithers head for Latin America on business. s 11:00 CS NFL FOOTBALL Denver Broncos at Chicago Bears O MUSIC AND THE 8POKEN WORD NFL FOOTBALL Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Detroit Lions CD MATINEE AT THE BUOU Featured: Fea-tured: "Prelude To War" (1942). a documentary which was shown to American servicemen before World War II; a 1942 cartoon and newsreel; and Chapter 4 of "Lost City Of The Jungle" (1946) starring Lionel Atwili and Russell Hayden. (R) MATT AND JENNY "Thunder And Lightening Birds" Matt and Jenny traveling with Cardston and Kit, meet two lumberjacks fleeing a rapidly advancing forest for-est fire. MOVIE "The Red Pony" (1949, Drama) Myrna Loy, Robert Mitchum. A young boy grieves after losing his beloved pony. fffl WHAT WCL THEY THfcMK OF NEXT? MORECAMBE WISE Robert Morely guides Eric and Ernie on an unusual and uproarious search for King Tut's tomb. 23 KUNG FU Caine tries to prevent pre-vent his former master from venting vent-ing his rage and anger on a railroad. rail-road. 6:30 CD MOVIE "Adam's Rib" (1949, Comedy) Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn. A murder mur-der trial creates havoc In the marriage of a woman lawyer and her husband, an assistant district dis-trict attorney. Q MATINEE AT THE BUOU Fea- lured: "The Gorilla" (1939) star-, ring the Ritz Brothers; a 1940 cartoon; a short, "The Brown Bomber" (1939) starring Joe Louis; and Chapter 3 of "Lost City Of The Jungle" (1946) starring star-ring Lionel Atwili and Russell Hayden. (R) GD WOMEN'S TENNIS "Toyota Championships: ' Singles And . ( Doubles Semifinals" from the Meadowlands Arena. CD ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "Black Island" Two young boys shipwrecked on a deserted island discover that they share the island with two escaped convicts. con-victs. (Part 1) (R) 09 THE TOMORROW PEOPLE "The Medusa Strain" John and Stephen hear an unknown voice warning them that Carol is in danger, but suddenly the voice is cut off. (Part 3) AGRONSKY AND COMPANY EVENING 8:00 GD OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER GD SOLID GOLD CD NEWS CD JOHN CALLAWAY INTERVIEWS INTER-VIEWS Former Prime Minister Edward Heath discusses the future relationship between his country and the Common Market and speculates on some cures for Great Britain's economic predicament. pre-dicament. (H LIVEWIRE ENCORE Host: Mark Cordray. Guests: singer Gloria Gaynor; rare animal breeder Mary Bloom; discussion of rodeo techniques. NBA BASKETBALL Detroit Pistons vs. New York Knicks COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Tangerine Bowl" Missouri vs. , Southern Mississippi 6:30 1 GD LOOK AT US GC DIMENSION 6 7:00 GD BARBARA MANDRELL AND THE MANDRELL SISTERS Guests: Bobby Vinton, Andrse Crouch. (R) I'.f) SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN' TO TOWN Animated. Fred Astaire narrates a light-hearted, musical look into the mysteries and . myths of Kris Kringle, alias Santa Claus. (R)g O THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Corre-spondents Linda Wertheimer and Cokie Roberts join Paul Duke tor an up-to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. WALT DISNEY "Escape To Witch Mountain" Two young orphans with supernatural powers pow-ers are pursued by an evil tycoon who wants to use their powers to his own advantage. (Part 1) CD ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL CS) THE PERFORMER'S WORLD WITH RICHARD THOMAS "A Masked Ball" Verdi's classic opera performed at La Scala, featuring Luciano Pavarotti and staged by Franco Zeffirelli. 7:30 GD THE TROLLS AND THE CHRISTMAS EXPRESS Animated. Animat-ed. Santa's village is taken over by six trolls, disguised as elves, who hope to sabotage Christmas. Christ-mas. Q BEN WATTENBERG AT LARGE "Lessons From Europe" 8:00 GD HARPER VALLEY Flora Reilly plays Scrooge and Stella - appears as the ghosts of Christmas Christ-mas past, present and future. GD 8TANDINQ ROOM ONLY "Red Skelton Presents Freddy The Freeloader's Christmas Dinner" Din-ner" Vincent Price and Imogene Coca are joined by America's favorite clown as he plans a holiday holi-day meal. GD LOVE BOAT Two women try to reunite a famous singer with his ex-partner and father, and a young stowaway with a secret latches onto a playboy with fun on his mind. (R) Q O THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS "Timon Of Athens" Jonathan Pryce portrays a wealthy Athenian Atheni-an nobleman who squanders his fortune on his fickle friends in Jonathan Miller's television production pro-duction of William Shakespeare's Shake-speare's play. MR. KRUEQER'S CHRISTMAS CHRIST-MAS A lonely widower finds happiness hap-piness through the love of a little girl on Christmas Eve. GS COLLEGE BASKETBALL "Houston Kettle Classic Championship Cham-pionship Game" CD SIMPLE GIFTS "Six Episodes Epi-sodes For Christmas" Views of the holiday season as perceived by famous writers and artists including Virginia Woolf, Theodore Theo-dore Roosevelt and Moss Hart are animated. (R) 8:30 CD LEWIS & CLARK Roscoe's belief that his mother died giving birth to him is shattered when his father gets engaged to a woman he introduces as Roscoe's natural natu-ral mother. GD ROBERT SCHULLER CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 9:00 GD TELEVISION: INSIDE AND OUT GD MOVIE V4 "The Nude Bomb" (1980, Comedy) Don Adams, Sylvia Kristel. Secret agent Maxwell Smart faces his most dangerous adversary in an archvillain who plans to launch missiles that ' will disrobe the entire human population. 'PG' . GD FANTASY ISLAND A poor farmer's wife arranges for an elegant birthday party for her son, and a young woman is taught love by the legendary Helen Hel-en of Troy. (R) Q GD JULIE ANDREWS SPECIAL "Merry Christmaa With Love" Jimmy Stewart, Steve Lawrence, Joel Grey, Sergio Franchi, Carl Reiner,. Rich Little and Alice Ghostley join Julie in an observance obser-vance of Christmas in America. CD THE CHRISTMAS SONGS Host Mel Torme with Les Brown and his Band of Renown join celebrities including Rich Little, George Shearing, Maureen McGovern, Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. tor a unique and diverse evening of holiday musical musi-cal entertainment. (R) TO BE ANNOUNCED 0:30 09 INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS 10:00 GD GD GD news Q MOVIE "It's A Wonderful Won-derful Life" (1947, Fantasy) James Stewart, Donna Reed. A man's guardian angel diverts him from suicide and shows him what his hometown would be like if he were never born. GS SPORTS CENTER RAT PATROL A disguised Arab convoy entraps and captures cap-tures the Rat Patrol. 10:30 GD MCCLAIN'S LAW McClain and a former cop who was cashiered for being an alcoholic search for the murderer of two teen-age prostitutes. GD THAT'S INCREDIBLE Fea tured: an 80 mph head-on colli-son colli-son by two stunt drivers; barehanded bare-handed contestants catch rattlesnakes; a martial arts expert's attempt to break 15 concrete slabs with his head. GS NHL HOCKEY Chicago Black Hawks at Washington Capitals CD NOVA "Resolution Oi Saturn" The beauty and new mysteries discovered by Voyager Voyag-er I are seen in the most dramatic dramat-ic of the pictures sent home and computer animations. (R) Q ENTERTAINMENT THI8 WEEK Douglas Fairbanks Jr. returns to the large screen; an interview with Fred Astaire; David Niven discusses his new novel. 10:40 CD MOVIE "Avalanche Express" (1979, Adventure) Robert Shaw, Lee Marvin. Four American agents are assigned to protect a defecting Soviet official offi-cial who has been marked for assassination by the KGB. 11:00 CD MOVIE "Bear Island" (1980) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. An Arctic weather-research team's mind isn't just on the climate when its members are forced into a fight for their very survival. 'PG' MOVIE I4 "Psycho-mania" "Psycho-mania" (1971, Horror) George Sanders, Beryl Reid. A motorcycle motorcy-cle gang leader inspired by the secrets of reincarnation tries to persuade his cohorts to die with 1 him. 11:30 CS POD STEWART LIVE Rod Stewart's concert at the Los Angeles Forum, featuring songs from his latest album -- "Tonight I'm Yours" -- will be televised live. GD MOVIE "The Curse Of Bigfoot" (1972, Horror) William Simonsen, Robert Clymire. A Yeti-like beast holds a small California Cal-ifornia town in a grip of anxiety and fear. CD SOUNDSTAGE "Just Folk" Some of folk music's legendary artists -- Odetta, Tom Paxton, Bob Gibson and Josh White Jr. -perform many classics alone and together. (R) Q MOVIE M "The Private Navy Of Sergeant O'Farrell" (1968, Comedy) Bob Hope, Phyllis Diller. A Navy officer attempts to raise the spirits of his men after they are left dry by the sinking of a beer boat. 12:40 GD STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO FRANCIS-CO Stone searches for a criminal who happens to be the father of his 15-year-old ward. 1:00 GD ON LOCATION "The Sixth Annual Young Comedians Show" Tom and Dick Smothers are joined by several talented comedy come-dy newcomers at the Roxy in Los Angeles for an evening of fun. GS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE V4 "The Unsuspected" (1947, Mystery) Joan Caulfield, Claude Rains. A radio announcer, the quiet guardian guard-ian of a wealthy young girl, plots to murder her. 1:16 GD ABC NEWS 1:30 CS AMERICA'S TOP TEN GS WOMEN'S TENNIS "Toyota Championships: Singles And Doubles Semifinals" from the Meadowlands Arena. 1:46 GD NEWS 2:00 GD MOVIE "Blood Arrow" (1958, Western) Scott Brady, Paul Richarda. A Mormon girl must cross hostile Indian territory territo-ry to obtain a needed serum for her settlement. 2:30 GD MOVE "The Rose" ( 1 979, Drama) Bette Midler, Alan Bates. A driven rock singer's lite in the fast lane leads her irreversibly irrever-sibly to disaster. 'R' 3:06 NEWS jpeoooococeceooosocooocccooooooooooj 0 ATTENTION - - All relativles and friends of 8 ft Alma (DOC) and Gertrude Porter Wilson 8 Formerly of Boulder, Utah and Salt Lake City. X 0 THE ALMA AND GERTRUDE STORY 0 8 by Irene Wilson King Inglott and Vesta Wilson Holmes X 0 Is now available at $10.00. It Is in the following 0 X retail stores: 8 0 Panguitch Drug Panguitch, Utah 8 ft Hall's Store, Boulder, Utah 8 B.V. Supply Cannonvi lie, Utah X o Alstrom Service Tropic, Utah 0 X This and That Shop Escalante, Utah 5 0 Antique House Ordervi lie, Utah 8 ft Fisher Rock Shop Orderville, Utah 0 X Boyd's Store Danab, Utah X 5 So. Utah Book Store Kanab, Utahj 8 1 1 Or send letter to: ft 8 Irene W. Inglott LaRae K. Williams X 0 P.O. Box VVV P.O. Box 605 g , Wailuku, HA 96793 Panguitch, Ut. 84759 .8 Sooooooeeoceoooocoeooeeoooeocooeooa. |