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Show I flRST PORTABLE QBTR1C iVbwrcRw. J V pgwan. J Y3ggg V (Ck KE5. (VTOHWC UP- I mf'W RETURN AND fl H0PETHEY"R NOT IWfflTl Southern Utah Office Machines & Supply y".SaJ 45 North Main -,TinF?iFiagg Cedar City We service what we sell! Reg. '379 Sale s309 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! First Security wants to help you save and play Santa .. . with fine imported china at special low prices. J Hp is the season for holiday entertain- gji Deposit Qualifications A ing and gift giving. And First f1 sioo. stooo- ssooo- Security checking and saving service can KSssH " !!2 $999 $4999 over help yOU with both. Just the reason tO J vi, i 1. 3-pc. place setting (plate, cup, saucer) $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 select from our extensive collection of feS 1 -fMoH $44.95 $39.95 $34.95 fine porcelain china dmnerware, ac- W 3 53 pc-service for 8 -8 ea-dinner. cup. CesSOrieS and Serving pieces. r saucer, formal soup, formal salad, dessert, sugar wcover, creamer, round serving A - 1 J J 11 1 . bowl, 14" platter $119.95 $109.95 $99 95 Splendid Collection tO keep Or tO give 4. 3-pc. accessory set (formal soup, formal Choose from classically elegant floral-touched "Daphne" salad, dessert dish) $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 or contemporary, platinum-banded "Newport." 5 ' $34.95 $31 95 $28 95 Whichever pattern you prefer, you can purchase for . . , ,tinft . u Substantially leSS than in fine Stores - just by making Each mulfple of S.OO authors purchase of addmonal chm. at these special prices. your regular qualifying deposit. u , , Accessories Also Available Here s all you do . Each deposit multiple of $100 to a new or existing savings Tcassero.e wCover SlS : or checking account qualifies you to purchase porcelain 7. Gravy Boat wstand $11.95 china at special low prices. You may also choose to 8. Oval Serving Bowl $ 8.95 qualify by purchase or renewal of an individual certificate 9. SaltPepper shakers $ 7.95 of deposit for $500 or more. 10. Mugs (2) $7.95 Imported fine porcelain china for the holiday season even more reason to save and check at FOirsIt StHCHDiTDlty EJainiCss Each affiliate bank of First Security Corporation is a member of FDIC. |