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Show SgfeOUlSE REDTZ STORIES J pricesSgoodII -".--'-4-?vt..v-lJlAM . OUR POLICE. H advertised items are out of slock, rain checks are available on request Hems j L j . U-J ''" lM't'tie8 Sl0C'1 C0''rSl SerV6Cl . MMMMMMMM"""" W Ladiei' " 'S Ladies veiour Blouses Boy's Coats Coats Girl's Vests Coats Sweaters Reg. 12.97 Reg. 13.97 Reg. 23.97 Rea 18 97 Reg. 24.97 Reg. 19.97 y Sale $15.99 Sale $10.39 Sale $11.19 Sale $19.19 Sale $15.19 Sale $19.99 : I H - (nP Child Guidance Child Guidance fjSgBSa I Vh&&$ 7i&?: H ' Shapely Turtle Shape Builders A g SK MX Re9-5-47 Reg. 5.47 " ' Fisher Price y'g RegQS RegTSS7 Telephone 19.97 v;:;..'V 21.97 Sale Sale W Reg. 6.97 Moon Boots Moon Boots $4.39 $4.39 Reg-ter aEyescroiiup 6.97 and down. . Sale 16.99 Sale $17,59 Sale $5.59 Sale $5.59 Tea Sets Tea Sets Radio Flyer TO) Radio Flyerl Mighty Dump Wagon -9A Wagon -8Cr Reg. 6.77 Reg. 4.97 .' V Whatever the 2- to 6-year-olds are toting, they'll enjov it more with a sleek, ' streamlined Redio Flyer. Model 80 Reg. 26.97 Reg. 14.97 Reg. 24.97 Sale $21 .59 Sale $11.99 Sale $19.99 Sale $5.43 Sale $3.99 T) I 10" I Tonka Tricycle Off Road Svl Girls&Boys 16" Racer ( y-N. Pwr. Cycle -22-77 TrIcycIe Reg. 21.77 ) j4mSf :-V;V Sale $18.23 Sale $19.43 fQ Reg. 27.97 - Tricycle Reg. 32.77 Chirpy Squirrel Y ' BUbblGBath )f) Sale $22.39 Sale $23.83 Sale 26.23 $1'97 $1-59 OOD jf J. C SANTA CLAUS WILL BE HERE "XSf Lady's & Men's SATURDAY 11 -5 f Fragrance Appliances Bring the children!!! Aliifical Ensembles 20 TreJsS Yourchol ' s ' J ( ' -J-rolUtT3i-ldJLl4 594 South Main gMon.-sa, tli0lujPRUi3AJQtE Cedar City, 586-2113 sun.10-6 J ' 1 TT. " J -J (jUBLER & CERTlFIEDPlJBLI:cCOUNTANTS BOX 1139 360 WEST 200 NORTH ACCrlATPC CEDR CITY. UTAH 84720 ajjULIA I LJ ,eoil586 9479 ; Vjs j&n JOSEPH H CUBLER JAMES M. WILSON- I 75 DAYS TO FILE (Small Corporations) Corporations wishing to be taxed substantially as a partnership (Sub S Corporation) must file an election any time during the first 75 days of their new tax year. A newly formed corporation has 75 days after it has shareholders, acquires assets, or begins doing business, whichever occurs first. An election made al ter the 75th day will apply to the following year. Prior to the law which permits Sub-chapter S elections, many new business entities chose to remain a partnership until the formative (start-up "loss") years h had passed. A partnership passes its gains and losses through to the partners' tax returns. When the entity begins to show a profit, it is incorporated to take advantage of the special corporate tax brackets. The corporation becomes the taxpaying entity and the tax consequences do not pass through. To accommodate this business phenomenon, Congress developed the Sub-chapter S tax provision. This creates an entity which, except for losses, would choose to be a corporation from its inception. The tax option is an election and is permitted to be used by most small corporations. You may remain a "Sub S" corporation for as long as you deem it advantageous. At some future date, you may elect to drop your Sub S status, and the corporation will then become its own taxpaying entity. You can lose your Sub S election by exceeding certain guidlines as to the number of shareholders and certain types of income. The Sub S election is a tax provision only and does not affect the status of your corporation as a legal entity. Since the mortalilty rate for new businesses is high, small corporations should take a serious look at the use of the Sub S election. A final decision on this "election"requires professional assistance. I |