Show J GOVERNMENT AID FOR TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES A SUCCESS IN RUSSIA But there Is one Ole splendid development of Russia's vodka monopoly which should win more faith for it as a factor factor factor fac fac- tor for good than anything yet proved by the system itself I refer to the temperance temperance tem tern perance societies formed In connection with the monopoly and their work These temperance societies must do much to neutralize any tendency tp to run the monopoly entirely for revenue Since the year 1893 the government has di divided divided divided di- di vided certain sums among the temperance temperance temper temper- ance aries societies established in the goVernments governments governments gov gov- where the monopoly Is In force Beginning with a little over 1 rubles rubies the sum has mounted up to over in 1901 and over this year out of the enormous revenue of over which It receives from the monopoly With this government money added to more moto mor raised in other ways the societies have haye established teahouses and cheap temperance restaurants restaurants restaurants res res- res- res to the number of 1715 reading reading- rooms and circulating libraries 1201 rooms lecture 64 Sund schools Sunday schools y-schools 1 IS 18 evening schools 10 singing classes tea gardens and theaters halls for dancing Christmas trees 30 and various other places of amusement These figures are for several severa years ago and the number is now much larger Jarger In St. St Petersburg parts of six public parks have been set aside for the people people peo pea pie and here are built air theaters and concert halls with tables und r the ti trees ees lpes whore where the poor man and his family family fam fain ily can sit during the warmer months at least and sip glasses o good tea for fora a few Decidedly the most notable no rio- table tahe establishment of the kind in St. St Petersburg is the Dom Ibm or Peoples People's House House to to translate it literally From a certain point of view I doubt If there is a more interesting place to visit In the thc entire capital The Russians Russians Russians Rus Rus- are very justly proud of it The Dom itself i is ia a al fine building of brick which was put for an exposition exposition exposition ex ex- ex- ex position ar and ard d then bought by the society for tor this purpose Join the crowd that is surging up the steps any rummer evenIng evening even even- Ing or on Sunday afternoon and when you reach the doors doom the sum sum of ten 5 cents win will gain you admission to Elysium The large paved stone hall hail inside has a central dome ome lined with great maps of ot the various continents Standing portraits of of the the Czar and Czarina greet you on eUh either r side and at atone atone atone one end toward the door dooL which leads Into the gardens are small tables at which may sit and order anything anything any any- thing on the extensive but cheap bill of or fare cooked in a a. model kitchen Besides Be Be- sides tea there are lemonade and other temperance drinks drink AS s darkness falls tas many nany clord lanterns lan lan- an- an terns arc are lit among amon the trees There are spY several ral concerts and op air open n per per- to choose from fron but many mallY people prefer refet to walk walt u up and ad j d down be beneath beneath be- be neath th the trees HATS Hye are all classes of society for the Dom Dorn has mote more than fulfilled the thi purpose P for which It was var planned j Monies l in blouse boule and and high boots brush against bearded merchants mer mer- chants Young workmen wander arm in arm with their pretty sweethearts and not Infrequently a daPPer army officer with his wife may bo be seen sen in the throng At S o'clock the theater Beater Within the i building Is thrown open and ard a Russian opera or play JB s Mid hid C Certain places are arp free tree and then There Is an n ascending scale scalp of prices from ten up to a ruble and a half hair The amount of ot good that these crowded places of amusement amusement amuse amuse- ment are doing is 18 so obvious that it is SJ not necessary point it out It warms warma ones nes h heart rt to am De Dc Witte and the tIme O Ia m op Magazine C tr I j LF il j |