Show HEALTH IS f VERY GOOD Excellent Showing for Salt Sal Lake During the I Month of January Januar I During the month of January there were 61 deaths in the city equivalent to a death rate of as a based on the estimated population For the same month last year there were 70 deaths from all al causes The 61 deaths deaths are classified as a follows General General General Gen Gen- eral diseases 17 diseases of the nerVous nervous ner ncr system 2 diseases of the circulatory circulatory cru- cru apparatus S 6 diseases of th the te respiratory apparatus 8 diseases of the digestive apparatus diseases of the th genitourinary apparatus 4 the puerperal puerperal puerperal peral state 1 malformations 1 L diseases diseases dis dis- dis- dis eases of early infancy 3 old age 5 external causes 3 11 ni fn i diseases 1 1 There were f four deaths each a from h-from from pneumonia heart disease and scarlet fever 3 each from consumption cancer of stomach and liver lver other affections of the stomach and inanition Two each from typhoid fever diphtheria a. a bronchitis Brights Bright's s diSease dis dis- dis ease an and accidental injuries and one each nV Crom from various other causes Of the deceased persons 33 were mal males uJ ann and 28 8 females 61 whites white 20 born bor in inthe Utah the Tin 14 1 it Were born In ln other parts part ot of United States and 27 of birth By social Status of the and age aee 24 decedents Were vere single and the sa sanle e dows nUmbe married one one widower 10 widows wl- wl known known- one e divorced and one unknown un un- 15 Were ere under 5 of as age yea years 4 ag t to between 25 i 12 n the ages ases aes of 5 and 15 one I 10 43 h 45 12 between Teen the ages aes of 25 an and of of age from 45 to 65 63 5 and 17 over ove 65 years Two hUndred and two cas cases of COO con and infectious diseases were re- re of ported as J follows n ws Thirty-seven Thirty each reh scan scarlet let f fever and diphtheria lO measles 7 diphtheria tYPhOid nd 15 chickenpox one ne smallpox x ad tur Ui culture tubes were e- e eXamined eXi by the of City 17 11 0 Chemist Demist whIch Were we e fourd to theria foud Contain the bacillus bacius n Births Males reported 41 4 females 60 all l white i i i I r II |