Show I o o. o 1 2 4 z 2 J Plays and Players ft fiere jre and nd elsewhere ij v i 2 CALENDAR FOR POE THE WEEK Wednesday Wednesday- SALT LAKE THEATRE Aft Afternoon Frederick FeerIck Warde In Mountebank an night in King Kin Lear Ler Thursday Thursday- i iSALT SALT LAKE TH THEATRE TRE Dark GRAND Ben Hendricks 01 GRAD In Ole Ol 01 son sn Friday Friday- I SALT LAKE THEATRE Salt Salt Lake Opera company in Martha GRAND Ben Hendricks In Ole Ol 01 O- O son Saturday Saturday- SALT LAKE THEATRE Afternoon and night Salt Sal Lake Opera corn com company cm- cm pany in Martha GRAND Afternoon an and night Ben Hendricks Hendriks in Ole Olson GRAND Held's band concert Julius Caesar I is undoubtedly the most popular of Shakespeare's tragedies Lacking Lack Lack- Lck- Lck ing tag the depth and delicacy of ot Hamlet and the barbaric frenzy of ot passion embodied embodied em em- e- e bodied in Othello Othelo It Is more pleasing to regular regula theatre-goers theatre partly party because It Is more generally re read partly arly because of Its Is simplicity and directness The Te production of Julius Caesar by Frederick rederick Warde Warde and ar his company last night was was was' witnessed by an audience that packed the house and n n nO opportunity for tor applause but was quickly seized seize upon Indeed Indeed Indeed In In- deed there were times during scenes leading up to several of ot the climaxes when a silent Ilent appreciation would have been In better beter taste Mr Warde is s by temperament and temper ment an training almost an Ideal Idel Antony Graceful Grae- Grae Grace Grce- ful let jet et strong trong passionate yet with wih the diplomatists diplomatist's ability to dissemble skilled skie In leading his men fellow men fierce in anger age yet warm hearted warm and generous generou such was the Antony he presented Recall Recal Mr Warde's former appearances appearances appear appear- appearances ances here her In this role and ad it will wi be re remembered re- re re that they are never alike Yet all al of ot his interpretations of the alke character have tave been artistic and pleasing It I Is another another an an- another other evidence of ot his fr genius that he Isable Isable is isable able to invest each o of his studies of ot the part with the samo caine sae appearances of ot being th true to life It is difficult for an audience even where the strongest actors are cast to play Brutus and Cassius CasIus to look upon them with the same interest as a they entertain entertain en en- for tor Marc Antony The fhe scenes following the death of Caesar Caesar Cae Cae- sar are so much greater greter In 11 their dramatic Intensity and rapidity of action that the acton fifth and sixth acts become weak by com corn parison In Itt general Mr Warde's Wards Ward's support was good Some of the tho minor characters stumbled a little in their lines but not to an extent that marred the effectiveness of their work ork The he Cassius of ot Mr Barry Johnstone was a well conceived conceIved wel-conceIved and In itt 11 the main an executed artistically executed portrayal of ot the lean and hungry Incarnation of ot jeal jeal- Mr Johnstone certainly looked the part Mr Ch lp Charles rl D 1 D. D Herman Hrman A as the many many- sided side noble hearted noble noble-harte Brutus wa was not nt lackIng lacking lakIng lack lack- lak- lak Ing in force torce and earnestness and ad In the scenes portraying the gentler genter side of ot his nature was WI very effective although manifesting mani mani- festing a tendency tendenCy at times to read rad his lines with Incorrect emphasis emphis The Ca Caesar sar of ot Mr Jam James F. F Fulton Flon wa was scarcely up to to the standard required requIre to tc balance the company but In the death deth scene sc his acting was very Rood good vey Rood Casca Cac In the hands of Mr Francis Fracis D D. D McGuire was was' wa acceptable The minor parts were well wel sustained Miss Trescott and MI Mla Miss Ashton and Cal Cal- purnia mla and Portia had of course but f little o opportunity but Improved p uv welt well H what they had In several places place speeches were cut striking out Affective e lines This was wa particularly with wih Brutus Two scenes cenes of f dramatic importance were omitted To some extent this marred maed the effectiveness of the play Frederick Warden Lear Jear Is the attraction at the the Salt Salt Lake Theatre for tor It Its patrons tonight It The play has Been seen e here so seldom that a large house The Mountebank went before I a crowd crowded d house this afternoon The Te Black Patti Patt Troubadours played to a a crowded crowde ma matinee this afternoon With tonight's engagement the popular engagement closes That honest old Swedish Ole Oe Olson will commence his merr-m merr merry making at the he Grand tomorrow night and an continue dur ing the rest ret of the week w with with th Saturday matinee A prize contest In which school children will wi be Interested Is announced by the management of ot the Grand theatre To the boy or girl making the greatest num num- num bar ber br of ot words out of the name nae Ben HendrIcks Hendricks Hendricks Hen- Hen dricks will wi be presented presentad at the Saturday matinee a five dollar piece gOld piece gold to the second will wi be given 25 All Al lists must be b se set nt ot the box office of at the Grand Gran by i Thursday February The old familiar play Way Down East Eat that made me such auch a remarkable run rn here last lat season sen returns for another full tul week beginning next Monday James Jae De Be Wolfe Vole the advance avance agent Is hero here looking after aCter the te interests of the company The Eleventh Hor Hour by Lincoln J. J week Carter is the bill bi at the bY Grand next net |