Show LOOP THE LOOP MAN I WORKING ON AIRSHIP I Sneers at Santos-Dumont Santos and Is Confident of Winning Prize at St. St St Louis TOLEDO TOLEDO- 0 Feb 4 In 4 In the Nasby building in in inthis this city in a small dark I and dingy room room Is a n man who is wor work working I worling worl- worl ing contentedly on a n marvel o of mac mechanism mech mechanism mech- mech with which he expects to astonIsh astonish astonish aston aston- ish the world and with which he anticipates anticipates antici antici- pates financial returns of such magnitude magnitude magnitude magni magni- tude that all al his former successful efforts ef ef efforts c forts in the line of inventions will wi be eclipsed Alanson Wood besides being an old pioneer of this city a thoroughly re reliable reliable re- re liable lable and conservative man is an In Inventor Inventor Inventor In- In and a genius of marked ability His invention is one which if successful successful suc sue will wi win for him the cash prize offered by the St. St Louis exposition exposition ex ex- position management for the best and most practicable dirigible airship Wood has ha not the slightest doubt as asto asto asto to his ultimate success He was the In Inventor Inventor In- In of th the famous the loop which has done service at so many pleasure resorts resorts' and received rec large sums sums from this invention Said he I Ishall shall have no difficulty in winning that prize and when I do that wll wil wl be merely a drop in the bucket The success of a machine built upon the plans Incorporated in my invention means millions to the operator It means more moe to the inventor Before long the people of this city will wi be astonished at my progress I Ishall Ishall shall be able to start from the top of the Nasby building sail sai all al around the city at any altitude and return to the exact spot from which I started I Ishall Ishall shall compete for the St. St Louis prize and I realize that I will wi be competing against Santos-Dumont Santos Hiram Maxim Prof Langley Pennington and many others of more or less repute but I Iam Iam Iam am confident my ship will wi outclass them allI all I may use or- or or orI I may mY use electricity It depends somewhat upon the power of my machine when I have completed the last model The speed of the airship being constructed con con- by Mr Wood will wi be unlimited he says It I depends entirely upon the e power employed employed em em- and the strength of the ma ma- chinery The ship Itself would run not the slightest danger traveling at the rate of miles mies an hour but whether p propulsive power that great could be carried Is still sti an open question queston However How ev ever r the expected sp spied speed ed of this Invention in invention invention Is expected to approximate miles mies an hour In the centre of his office stands a awood awood awood wood arrangement resembling a a. carpenters carpenter's carpenters carpenter's carpenters carpenter's car car- penters penter's horse To this is attached a crank and wheel wheel A rope running through grooves groves In a small smal and an large wheel gave a movement similar to that seen in the propulsion of a bicycle II It I was with this that the Inventor tested his Apparatus Mr Wood attached one set of wings to this affair atair The wings are set closely together and slanted downward at a sharp angle Above them Is another set of wings attached to the shaft which twirled Inside the first shaft shaf As one set of wings moved move in one direction the theother other set of wings moved in Itt the opposite direction direction- thus steadying t the te e machine This merely the fundamental principle was all al the in inventor inventor inventor in- in would permit the writer wrier to see The rhe power which will wi propel this machine machine machine ma ma- chine will be a storage battery and a motor Mr 11 Wood says that with wih the principle principle principle prin prin- ciple Involved in the construction of his airship it will wi be enabled to carry much heavier loads than any vessels constructed upon the balloon balloon idea dea He says the efforts of Santos Dumont Santo Dumont are childish His disdain for what he be calls cals the bag bg airship is very pronounced By bag airship he means all such Inventions as travel by means mens of gas balloons His ships will wi mot giot be constructed constructed con con- cn- cn upon that plan The rapidly revolving win wings s furnish the speed pro pro- His arrangement for propelling propel propel- propel propel- ing the airship are fashioned after a drum with wih projections which as it revolves catch the air ar and thrust it back and down He is Itt i certain which of his models will wi be used In the test at St. St Louis |