Show THIS BRIDE DANCED HERSELF TO ro DEATH Overexertion and a Oi Cold Brought on ona ona a a. Fatal Attack of Pneumonia PITTSBURG Feb 5 Annie Annle Annie Annie- Bunk Dunk an Austrian 19 years old oid and and anda a bride of only aix lx days is dead at the South SouthSide SouthSide SouthSide Side Sid hospital Her death l death was due to toan toan toan an attack of ot pneumonia following a cold contracted at her wedding wedding dance The girl had been in this country only three month months and last Saturday morning was wedded to Bunk Following the ceremony In the church there was the usual hop hOD when the bride had to dance with everyone who threw silver into the special plate provided provided provided pro pro- vided for the purpose Attired in her light wedding costume she abe danced all Saturday evening Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day and part of Monday As a result of oC her exertions she became bam sick and died |