Show DEMOCRATS MAKE MAIE PLANS PLANS' TO REUNITE THEIR PARTY Reception to Be Held in New York to Discuss Pro Pro- Pro gramme for the Future NEW E YORK Feb 5 Prominent Democrats Democrats Demo Demo- DemoI I ersts from many States will attend the reception to be given gl at the Manhattan club February when plans for reuniting reuniting re rc- re- re uniting the party in the Nation r-atlon ill be Gen Gao Patrick A. A Collins Mayor of Boston Bos Boa ton ton will speak on The Democracy of New England Former Fomer Senator David B. B Hill will have for his subject The Democracy Democracy De De- of or the Middle lIddle States Gen Charles E. E Hooker of ot Mississippi l will respond for The Democracy of the South Some equally equal prominent Democrats probably from Illinois will be Invited to speak for the Democrats of or the Middle West Ct while the views of ot the party men in the Far West Vest est will be bo expressed by one of or their number to be decided upon later Edward M. M Shepard will have bave for tor his sub sub- Washington |