Show DENVER ENVER SOCIETY IS I STIRRED BY WEDDING J Daughter Daughter aughter of J. J A. A Meyers Married to toI toSon toSon I Son of Senator Carey by Magistrate S DENVER Colo Cob Feb 5 Charles Charles D. D tz q Carey son of Senator Carey of Cheyenne Chey Chey- fenne enne Wyo and Miss Maybelle Myers C daughter of J. J A. A Myers a wealthy resident of this city were vere married I here yesterday by a Justice of the Peace and later the marriage ceremony 31 was seas repeated repeat by the Rev George C. C Ratter Rafter of the church Ch at Cheyenne Yenne The marriage came the as a a. surprise to where young oung ladys lady's friends In this city she w was a leader Barter of society and even SI- SI he her arents arent's ntH were not let into the secret ecret until i word came from Ch Cheyenne enne train from their daughter daughter- announcing her i marriage Mr Carey CaTey has charge of his fathers father's cattle interests in Wyoming |