Show THE PRICE OF THE T TELE TELEGRAM GRAM GRAMIS IS Patrons are respectfully requested requested re re- re- re quested to insist upon having it at that price of newsboys and agents 1 I II if you Epileptic Pits FItS Palling Failing Sickness or St. St Vitus' Vitus Dance or have bave children or friends that do so so my New will Discover CURB CURE them end nd all you ore are asked to do Is 18 to send for my FREB REmEDIES end try them They hove have I cured thousands where everything else felled failed Sent absolutely free with complete directions express ex ex- press prepaid Please give AGe AGIl and full lull address I DR W. W H. H MAY 94 4 Pine S Street reet New York City ro roA A ABIRD BIRD OF A T l 1 11 0 j I I IThe The Burlington's Chicago o a-o Special which leaves De Denver ver at 4 p p. m. m dally daily makes the mile Sill run to Omaha In 13 hours 1043 1013 1043 miles to Chicago 27 hours Its It's a a. veritable flyer a flyer a bird of a train Through sleeper for Chicago attached to Chicago Special at Denver Den leaves Salt Sait Lake City p. p m m. dally daily R. R F. F NESLEr General Agent Agen 79 West Second South St. St Salt Sail Lake City I r Time Table Tahle In Effect 3 1 IMI 1 ARRIVE j j From Ogden all points east But 10 Portland and San Franci Fran- Fran i ci ro a. a rn F Prom From n and intermediate point point- t g 25 a ama arn m. m Ogden all points east nd San Francisco i j p. p pm p.m. m. m Ogden Ci he Valley and r fate points t is p. m. Ogden Butte Butt Portland and aDd San Francisco 20 20 P. P From Prom alt all points south except pt al pints a Front M Mercur r r and nd Intermediate points 60 From Tooele and terminus 50 p. p pm im DEPART DEPAR To Ogden Cache v Valley ny and all aU points east cast cst 70 a. a am I m To Ogden Butte Bulte Portland and San Francisco Bute a. a nm aI m. m To Ogden Osden ell all points east and San Sn Francisco al point ea 15 1243 p. p pm m en T To Ogden intermediate points and n all I points t tr eat cast 1 p. p m. m I I ITo To Butte Portland Intermediate ate points point and San San Francisco 1050 p. p in m. m I To Tintic r. r Nephi and Intermediate points 75 a. a a UI I i 1 iTo To all points south eX except pt to 1 Mercur t TintiC and p. p m. m To JI Terminus mT s and i a. a m. m i I T T. M. M lL SCHUMACHER Act Mgr MET Mg D D. E E. BURLEY G. G P. P Ti A.D. A. A A.D. D. D S. S H A A. G. G P. P T. T A A. A City Ticket Of Office e Main Man Street t Telephone 2 I AM E 0 E Y t 0 Tt TER ti 10 W Current Curent Time Table In Effect Effect- October LEAVES SALT LAKE CITY Xo No 6 For 6 For For Grand Orand Junction Denver Denver Den Den- Den DenK ver r and points east a a. a a m m. m K Xo ho 2 For 2 For rP Provo o aG Grand dJ Junction June Junc n tion ton and all al points est east m p. p m. m No o. o 4 For 4 For Provo Grand June June- i tion ton and all al points east No 0 10 For 10 For Bing m Lehi Provo Marysvale ale and Intermediate points 80 a am Bm m. m No 8 For S-For For Eureka Payson Heber Provo and ad intermediate points ts 50 p. p m. m No Xo 3 For 3 For Ogden and the p. p mNo m m. No 1 For I-For For Ogden Osden and the p. p m. m No 5 For 5 For Ogden and the west 95 a. a en m. m 10 No 42 42 1 For 42 For or Park City a. a a m. m ARRIVES AT SALT LAKE CITY No S From 5 From Pro Provo Prove Grand Junction Junc Junei Junco don tion From I-From and the east V 93 a. a m in No 1 From I-From From Provo Grand Junction Junc June tion ton and the east eat 1233 p. p m. m I No 3 From 3 From Provo Prove Grand Junction Junc June tion and the east 1050 1050 p. p m. m N No on 9 From 9 From 0 Provo o. o figh Eureka ManU Mantl and Intermediate points 60 p. p m mNo No 6 From 6 From Ogden Ogdon and the west p. p m mNo m. m No 2 From 2 From Ogden and the w west welt t p. p m ni mNo niNo No 4 From 4 From Ogden and the west p. p m mNo m. m No o. o From 7 7 From Irom Eureka Payson Heber Provo Prove and Intermediate points 1000 a. a a mNo m m. en No 41 From 41 From 4 From Park City p. p m m. m PERFECT DINING CAR SERVICE Ticket Office W. W Second Secand South SL St Sf Corner Corer Phone UTAH COLORADO AH SHORT lN LINE TO ST. ST LOUIS LOUS Through car ear Salt Lake City to St. St Louis and Kansas City Only one change changa to New York Bufalo and principal points East low East low rates for summer travel Especial attention to ladies ladles and chil- chil chi chi- dren Tourist sleepers through to Chicago Boston and other points without change change Two Two trains dally daily at ticket dall' dall office 10 Dooly block block Salt Sal Lake CI City Any information cheerfully cheerfully cheer cheer- fully given ful H Ii C. C TOWNSEND G. G P. P A. A Missouri I. I Pacific R Ry St. St LouisM Luls Louis M Mo C. C A. A TRIPP C. C P. P A. A Missouri Pacific Ry Salt Sal Lake Jake City I CENTRAL RAILWAY Efficiently Serves a aVast Vast Territory Omaha Neb Keb Chicago Ill I. I I Si I Paul Minn St. St S1 Lu Louis I Mo Minneapolis Minn Peoria III Ill 11 Mo Ind md i S s City Tenn en Nashville Tenn 1 h mohl I O 0 0 UI Atlanta Ga I Ky Jacksonville Fin Fla Fla Miss cw eW Orleans La Vicksburg JIS Weekly Through Service between I Chicago Chiago and nd the Pacific Coast Coast Connections at these terminals fore for or the te I East Vest West South NorthEast North J I 11 Heated East and r an-r Trains Dining Handsomely fI Equipped Cars Buffet Stam t Cars Cars Sleeping Cars Sleeping pIng Cars Free Care Free I IChO brry Cars ars I Ask ticket agents for tor tickets via via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL CENTRA RAILROAD RAILS RAIL RAIL ROAD or or apply to DONALD ROSE 75 W W. Second South St. St Salt Sat Lake City BIG FOUR Superior Service Servie and andI j I Track Equipment nt I i CHICAGO 4 ST. ST LOUIS If CINCIN CINCINNATI ATI 4 h NEW YORK a and d BOSTON r I 3 Trains Daily Daiy NEW YORK BOSTON OSTON NO FERRY TRANSFERS I |