Show BO CRUSHED BY CARS CABS Year Twelve w Lad I Loses His Life at Anaconda Anaconda Mont Feb 4 Harry Harry Nicholls Nich- Nich ich- ich oIls a lad of 12 years was found near the Butte Anaconda Pacific railroad tracks tod today y with both lower limbs al almost almost al- al most most totally severed severed from his body The The- bOy died tonight at the Sisters' Sisters h hospital The lad came carne to to- Anaconda with his widowed widowed widowed wid wid- I owed mother Mrs Elizabeth Nicholls from Pocatello Ida several months month ago None Noue witnessed the accident and the boy was unable to explain when found It Is thought he was endeavoring to ride on th the wheels passing Sing train rain and slipped sUpped beneath the |