Show THE SOUTH SLIGHTED D. D I From the St. St Louis Globe Democrat The protest which the South Is 15 making at t being skipped In the itinerary which has las been marked out for Prince PrinC Henry Henrya I Is a reasonable The region below Mason MasOD and nd DIxons DIxon's old line i la is a decidedly Interesting inter- inter sting eating portion of ot the the country country but our viator visItor visitor vis- vis tor will see only its ita northern edge touchIng touch- touch lag Ing ng at Louisville and one or two other points In Dixie The tad Is 15 hr of or course COUle the he Itinerary which has been arranged la is absurd The Emperor said sald he wanted his brother rother to get acquainted with the AmerIcan Amerlean Amer- Amer lean Ican ean people The America which he will see In his dash through a few cities lUes east M if f the Mississippi except at t t. t Louis and nd north of the Ohio and the Potomac savo at two or three points close cloKe to those hose streams In latitude will make a a. aery aery I ery cry small and unsatisfactory glimpse |