Show A Toilers Toiler's Luck in Lu Panama Lottery According to a tel telegram whIch has come from Gex in the department of the Aln Mn the witmer of the second prize In the Panama lottery which w was s drawn for a a. week ago is a a. workman living in the neighborhood of Thol Thoiry who has thus had the e good o luck to come Into o slon sion t of etI tI the tho sum of francs ah The case is nil lilt the more interesting owing to tho fact tact that this man Who Is 2 25 23 years of ot age is the eldest of a family Of f seven severs children which he has been supporting by bythe bythe bythe the sweat of ot his brow Great is his delight delight dolight de do- light at his unexpected windfall which places him and his brothers and sisters beyond the r reach ch p or of want and It may be added that t. t throughout the district there Is nothing bit bat sympathy thy and enthusiasm for this brave toller toiler Dame Fortune Fortune For For- tune has this thue rewarded for all nh his self self- denial and London v 6 t London n alJe Telegraph r t |