Show The Senate has passed the tile bill increasing the tile thep p pay of f. f the l Federal era judiciary Pro Probably ably the House will follow suit and some peppery criticisms may maybe maybe maybe be heard here and there from the press But it ISas is isa isas as a as well veIl to remember that in England judges of about aboul t he lC rank and position of our circuit judges receive salaries of fifty thousand dollars a a. year Willie while the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice Justice Justice Jus Jus- tice who are on all fours with our Supreme Court justi justices es get a great deal more We e need the Vel very ery best talent in the country on th tile the Supreme bench and it is hard to secure at a remuneration of one- one fifth or tenth one of what a fi first class class t-class lawyer can earn at his profession So there is something to be said in favor avor of the increase ase |