Show WESTERN POSTMASTER I SHOCKS W WASHINGTON First in History to Say He Does No Want His Hs Office Force Increased WASHINGTON Feb 4 4 Quite Quite a shock was given George W. W Beavers superintendent superintendent of the salary and allowance division division dl di- di vision of o the Postoffice department by bya a letter received from the o oa of ofa a Western Wester city who in response to in inquiries in- in in-I in said he did not desire an addition addition addi addi- tion to his clerical force This is the I first time on record in the history of the department that a postmaster did no not wish his force Increased This man even admits that his clerks are working overtime and yet he does not want more help heIJ The case was so un unusual sual that the the letter of the postmaster ter was selected from the hundreds which are received daily daly and anc was commented commented com corn upon by the officials of the de de- de The p postmaster said I trust nothing will wi be done to disturb disturb dis dis- dis the present arrangement of clerks In this office They are re all al satisfied the way it Is We Ve keep our office open after after af af- af ter the usual supper time here until The clerks however divide up the time on duty in the evenings between them so that some of 01 them are on off of duty when the mails mais are light I really realy do not know how we any more clerks in this office We certainly do not need them It I would M Je impossible to find fine work for them in inthe the dull dul season It I would divide the responsibility and be demoralizing to the th p service |