Show THEY SNOWBALLED I INDIAN PRINCESS I Rude Kude Chicago Youths Pelted Felted Sophie Bamba Singh and She's Going to Canada I 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 I 5 4 4 CHICAGO Feb 5 princess Princess Princess 4 1 Sophie Bamba Singh 5 has determined to to leave leav the 4 4 Norh Nor te stern ter University Woi Wo- Wo o- o 5 10 mant s 's h sh i has pas been studying 4 j On her per daily trips between her 4 4 3 home at No 46 1 West Vest Adams 4 4 street and the the- school the daugh- daugh 5 5 ter ler of the he Maharajah of Lahore I 01 4 has been pelted with lumps of 4 01 I snow 4 t. 4 fr Such a thing thing- would hot not be 4 4 permitted in England she said 4 2 I never encountered such rude 4 4 10 young people In all ali ail my life I 4 4 shall leave Chicago ago and continue 4 k 4 my st studies dies in the Womans Woman's Med Med- 4 J 4 ical college of Toronto I want no 5 l Ie more of oftie United States I like 1 i- i o- o democracy but I dislike rudeness rude- rude 4 fr 4 ness nets I 10 4 The Princess came to Chicago o- o 1 5 J last fall from and entered en- en enI I 5 s1 the Woman's Womans Medical 4 oJ I school 4 5 4 44 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 4 1 |