Show CATTLE CATTLE J j Chicago J I CHICAGO Feb Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 2500 25 Including Texans Westerns good god I steady IS others weak good to 6 65 25 poor to medium Jl 00 stockers and feeders cows 10 00 12 25 heifers heiers 2550 canners 12 2 81 23 bulls buls calves calve 12 Texas fed steers HoES Hog Receipts Hogs Receipts Receipt today tomorrow 30 left lef over strong mixed and u w SD- SD lrA good to choice heavy hevy f- f 62 0 rough heavy heavy 20 light 5 bul bulk of sales 62 Sheep Receipts sheep stronger If lambs stronger good od to choice stronger 00 fair to choice mixed Western Vestern sheep shep f 4 40 50 native lambs 3 Western lambs t 61 Kansas Katsas KaJsa City KANSAS CITY Feb 4 Cattle Re Re- Re Including 1000 Texans 70 steady steady- native ste steers ff 85 4 S 66 Texas Texa d d Indian steers Texas Texa co cows cowa 0 native cows and heifers stockers stock stock- ers and feeders feeder bulls 52 stokers stok- stok calves 5 6 O. O H Receipts Hogs 5 market Ic higher high high- er cc r. r bulk of sales heavy 63 C 43 packers medium 59 33 light 0 62 yorkers pigs 7 5 Sheep Receipts 1000 market steady Iambs lambs 3 range range muttons SO ewes Denver Receipts Cattle DENVER Feb 4 ate 5 Steady beef steers 23 cows 4 00 stockers and ad feeders freight paid pad to river bulls buls stags etc 1 5 50 HoW 35 light packers pack Lower ers mixed 25 and heavy hevy 9 20 Sheep Receipts Steady Steady good fat muttons Omaha Omha 70 lambs 4 o. o SOUT OMAHA Feb 4 Cattle Re atte Cattle Re Market slow and lOc lOo lower loer native 5 steers t 73 cows and heifers helfers heifer Western 1067 steeds Texas Texas Tex Tex- ai o steers 3 canners as stockers and feeders 60 0 calves bulls buls stags etc 24 50 Market higher Receipts Hogs h heavy eavy 9 mixed ll light pigs bulk of sal sales Sheep ReceiPts 1500 steady foil muttons mutton 2500 15 Westerns 75 fee commOn comon and stocker stockers stock stock- ers er lambs |