Show THE T PRICE OF THE TELEGRAM TELEGRAM TELE TELE- TL- TL GRAM IS I Patrons Patons are respectfully requested requested requested re re- quested to insist upon having it at that price of newsboys and agents S alt aIt 1 Lake r Theatre i. i CEO GEO D. D Manager fa ager ANNUAL ENGAGEMENT OF TH THE Eminent Actor I fr rea d rick Ward Warde and Company MATINEE TODAY TODAY- THE MOUNTEBANK TONIGHT KG KING LEAR LEA With a Great Cast Including Charles D D. Herman lerman Barry Darry Johnstone Misses Mise Antoinette AntoInete Ashton Virginia Drew Trescott May Warde Waide Yade Aleen Alleen Aileen Bertelle Je and 15 others Magnificent and Sumptuous Scenic Pro Pro Properties etc for Each Play Seats now read ready NEXT ATTRACTION Friday and Saturday Feb eb 7 S MARTHA I Sale Sa today 10 Popular p Prices TONIGHT LAST TIME Matinee Today BEST DEST SEATS SATS THE TH PERPETUAL SUCCESS TIlE THE TIE BLACK PATTi URS TR I 30 Great Gret Specialty Artists Arist 30 30 Headed by i BLACK DLACK PATTI I Greatest Singer of her Race Race and I ITh The Th JOHN Alabama ll U RUCKER Blossom m. m I 11 II I Pr Presenting ALL NEW AND REFINED FEATURES COMEDY OPERA AND VAUDEVILLE NEXT EXT ATTRACTION Three Nights starting THURSDAY l FEB FEll 61 Saturday Matinee Ben Den hendricks In Ole Olsen Scats Seats now selling PROF PROP EMU EMIL E H. H 1 JOHNSON Teacher and repairer of at Banjos Guitars and Mandolins J f. f O N O South Third Eat East Salt Sat Lake City J i a t |