Show STORIES OF MEN IN NATIONAL LIE LIFE WASHINGTON Feb 5 nta t Uve ive Shattuc of or Ohio he heard rd that Lieu LIeu- t Governor tenant tenant tenant-Govenor Woodruff was waa In the c city ity and hurried up to the te Arlington h hotel otel to see him Shattuc is a an expert capert epert o on n highly colored colore vests vets H Her He contracted contract t the he habit when he was wa the general gneal p passenger agent of a railroad and ad L Lv brought it to Congress with him him Ills His v vests ests light up th the gloom of of the House Housen Houe on n n hark dark rk dys days What Mr Mn r Shattuc wanted to t tell tel Lieutenant Governor Woodruff about abut was wa as a new vest he had just received f from rom om Paris s Pr It I has a dark wine colored wine groundwork ground gound- gound work he said id enthusiastically with wih red bright-red game roosters embroidered on it it I shall gme not ant ot wear it often oten Once On o or r twice will wi be enough and a then ten X r I. I shall paralyze the House Houe with ith It Lieutenant Governor Woodruff liz liz- 15 t ened with wih languid Interest I gave up the te vest est habit some time he ago said My vests vets are now eo so y ar s black that charcoal would woud make a at white mark on them Senator Kean Koart Ken of New v Jersey ersey attended at at- at tended the te Boone Doone and Crocket club dinner at which only oly o of high high degree were supposed to be prent present His associates in the Senate all aU jumped to the that he was jumpe interested Interested inter Inter- ested in big game and end some o of them theal asked ked the Senator about abut it It It saying they tey had not previously supposed he be wa was fond of hunting wa I know very little about big game said Senator gme sid Kean The only game gama ony ge with wih which I am familiar Is the te canvasback canvasback canvas canvas- back duck and when I see the gama gam It is generally on a plate served gae for dinner When things seemed thIns pretty dull dul in the Senate one day last lat session I 1 called cled up the Lacey Ley bill bi for the protection pro pro- of big game and it Ita's as a's was ws passed without objection Because of this pase acton ac ac- action tion ton I was wa Invited to the club dinner dinne For the first time the position of messenger messenger mes mes mes- sener for the British Embassy is held by a colored man roan Usually the position is hWd by a a retired English soldier Richard Donaldson now dead was wa the la last t messenger He served twenty yd rs with the British army array In India and was appointed messenger in rec recognition rc- rc rec- rec o of his faithful service serice in the te field feld and his hs unquestioned loyalty to the British Government All Al state papers pa- pa pers secret reports and private documents documents docu docu- ments meats are given to the messenger and and he is held responsible for tor their safe sar delivery delvery upon a British vessel either alj at a New York or at some Canadian port port Once Oncel a week week sometimes twice ha ho hogaas hagoes hags goes gaas s g-s to New York York carrying the outgoing outgoing out out- going goIn mail mai and returning with that brought over on the English vessel When an English vessel is scheduled to tO arrive he must be on hand wih with his hi mall mail mal and turn tur it over to the purser oC of the vessel obtaining a receipt Then he is given the mail mal for the Em Em- and th the secretaries for which he receipts receipt This mail mai must mut not leave leve his possession until it i is placed in the hand han of the or the First First- Secretary of the tho Embassy |