Show Grand Gulch Election The sh shareholders ot of the rand Grand Gulch Mining company met on Monday af afternoon at- at and elected t the e following board of directors director by which officers will be selected today Thomas Thoma Jennin Jennings Jennings Jen Jen- nin Frank Jennings Joseph Josph J Jen Jennings n- n James Jennings Walter Waler Jennings Jennings Jennings Jen Jen- Isaac Jennings and F. F R. R Snow The annual report of the mn manage management ement e- e ment meat revealed that during the year the company notwithstanding the long longan an and expensive wagon haul to transportation transportation trans trans- marketed ores ore of ot the value of ot the output showing an aVerage aVerage aVer aVer- age ae better than 40 per cent copper anc anca and anda a a. small sall amount of ot silver siver No dividends were distributed the management having decided to apply the earnings to the systematic opening up of ot the property which is drawing so much at attention attention attention at- at to the Utah Arizona a strip and which has improved Improve with every shift shUt To more mor economically handle the ores the company will wi the present seaon season equip the mines mine with wih a turn furnace ace that will wi enable it to reduce the output o to bullion bulon as at the Dixie further north and to that end arrangements wi wil l be made and orders placed place early in the spring In the meantime the production production production tion of ore has been ben suspended and ad aId no ito nomore nomore more made shipments of crude ore will be |