Show ti o THE EVENING T TELEGRAM D THE PE PEOPLES PEOPLE'S OPLES OPLE'S NEWSPAPER Published Every Evening E Except Su St Sunday by byTHE byr r THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM PUBLISHING CO Incorporated Office 3 53 W. W Second South St. St Salt Sait Lake City Utah Telephone Calls Calls Office Editorial Ro Roms ms ins 23 TERMS d OF F SUBSCRIPTION One year by mall In tn n 00 OO One fiem Six Sir months month nr by by mall mail mall N In In advance advance j 6 3 5 3 66 One week by mall mail or ot carrier 15 Single copy everywhere 3 3 cents Remit by P. P O. O money order express money order registe regis regis- te teed ed letter bank check or draft in tho the name and arid to the address ad- ad dress Oress Of bt the SALT LAKE L. TELEGRAM PUBLISHING G CO Salt Lake City Utah Communications o pertaining to the Editorial Department Ih should l be addressed to the tho Editor or ot the Salt Lake Telegram MSS iss cannot t b be returned unless s postage Is sent for tor fortuch tuch purpose i Communications t u 8 i relating I gG to advertisements t and nL s be i addressed d to tho General e Manager Salt al Lake Tele- Tele tram am 63 V. Second South Str St St. r vE Eastern 1 Adv Agent nt- nt r C F. F T. T PERRY ROOM New City r a at nt the at ot salt Lake City Utah Utah ins as Sec Sec- See Sec nd Matter latter 1 i WED WEDNESDAY EVENING l FEE FEB 5 |