Show BODY STRETCHED TWO IN INCHES CHES 1 B BUT VI HE LIVES Boys Boy's Arms Torn Out And Legs Crushed Doctors Crushed Doctors Puzzled by Remarkable Case I 44 4 4 4 4 o- o l o- o o- o 4 4 10 MARION IARIO Ind md Feb 5 n ember Harry Harry Linn Lion aged 19 19 a of the high 4 ft 1 school grad graduating ting class was employed at the Imperial Stand works during duri dur dur- 4 I i ing a vacation about a month ago and while working with the belting 4 ol about the machinery his his his' clothing became entangled and he was whirled 4 I oZ about the shafting and over the pulleys at the rate te of revolutions re 4 t 1 per minute Both of his arms and one leg were torn off 5 i. i The arms were pulled from the so sockets at the shoulders and ind IDd the left let 4 0 leg mangled and broken so that it was necessary to amputate t. He w was s 5 oo 4 ta taken en ento to o the City hospital and strange as s it racy may s seem em reeo recovered eyed ered t 4 l The physicians physician have now discovered that his body has been stretched 6 6 01 by two Inches and they state that if his body had been a few pounds 4 Ie 1 heavier he would have been torn to fragments by the fast revolutions 5 6 around the shafting His case has attracted the attention of leaned 4 i. i physicians and ond surgeons and is to be made the subject of a discussion Ie 7 of I and investigation by a large number of medical men oo 5 o oi o- o |