Show SHERIFFS SHERIFF'S HAND TO FIGHT WITH A MADMAN Fred Pred Ketters Ketter's Second Daring Feat Peat in Handling Dangerous Lunatics PORTSMOUTH 0 O Feb 5 Deputy Deputy Sheriff Fred Ketter Netter has ag again ln proVen himself a hero by a second to hand-to- hand band tight light with a madman A few days ago word was received from irom that that Cain Jones of that place who once before was in the asylum asylum lum was sas again running amuck and was vas proving himself dangerous to the community As soon aa as Jones recognized the officer officer he flow flew into a rage and seizing a apiece apiece apiece piece of ot furniture threatened to crush his skull should be step near WatchIng Watching Watching Watch- Watch Ing his change Ketter quietly waited and then made a sudden Jump at the Infuriated madman A desperate grapple grapple grap grap- pie ensued Finally by a dexterous movement he tripped his man and threw him to the floor |